Quote Originally Posted by electric sheep View Post
You're nothing like BG, imo.
Not like him. I agree. I never said I was. My point was that 9w8 SEI is not implausible, and that it may be a result of being a "Sensory SEI" instead of an "Ethical SEI".

Quote Originally Posted by electric sheep View Post
Didn't you once say relaxing bothers you? That's very un-9like. I thought you were right on with 6w7. You have that authority complex
No, I said that I tend to become sad as I relax. I enjoy relaxing, it's just that it causes some emotional sadness to surface as part of the process. I was curious as to why that was.

Please also define "authority complex". My relationship with authority is really that we needn't ever interact, and I try to keep it that way. I guess I also tend to not acknowledge authority figures as such: they're neither people I need to comply to nor rebel against out of fear of punishment; I'm compliant because I don't want unneeded attention messing with my world.

Quote Originally Posted by electric sheep View Post
Pretty sure you're so/sx, but you might be so/sp too, don't rule that out.
so/sp is "the collected engager". Do I seem more collected or more scattered to you?