At some point in my past I went through Freudian psychoanalysis sessions, and they were an almost total waste of time. The therapist's questions and very occasional analyses were almost always either obvious, or irrelevant, or simply wrong.
Yet, to this day I still hear from people who recommend it, after having experienced it. Which baffled me.
I then realized that the two people I personally knew who were keen on psychoanalysis were ESFj. Who, as I know, need to relate events for their dual INTj to analyse.
Can it be that this is what's behind Freudian psychoanalysis -- the therapist works as a sort of "dual" for types with weak , most obviously ESFjs and ENFjs, but perhaps also ENFps, ESFps, ISFjs, INFjs?
In a very simplistic interpretation, the origin of Freudian psychoanalysis is the low number of INTjs in relation to ESFjs?