I used to think that the Accepting functions of Dynamic types were very boring functions; functions that simply acknowledge things that are given, not ranging over options or doing anything exciting with it all...

However now that I come to think of it, there is more to these functions. A Limiting function serves to represent a great deal of Empowering information of the kind that is opposite to it in Static/Dynamic. As such, to handle Limiting/Accepting/Dynamic information is to process tons of otherwise-arbitrary things by concentrating on their common factor. The fact that to do so mean using an Accepting/Dynamic function means there is very little spectacular activity involved in this. The common factor is nothing more and nothing less than that which was given to you in the first place. But one IS handling tons of things at a time by handling this bit of information. The multiplicity is simply something outside of one's awareness.

Consider the following examples:
- by speaking of "cars", I speak of millions of objects at a time. I need not be aware of each single one of these objects to speak of all the properties that "cars" have in common. By focussing simply on the language aspect I can handle all these millions of objects at the same time without expending an according amount of congnitive effort.
- by reducing my understanding of a certain real-life process to a system, I can handle all instances of this process without thinking about these individual processes themselves. The system is something extremely complex (tons of real-life processes) contained in something simple. Using the system means handling all of these processes at a time, with hardly any energy spent.

I've heard Gulenko speak of Dynamics as the people that handle "many things at a time". This is appearently what he meant. But when he says "things" he does not mean things that the subject is in direct contact with (words, images, systems). These they handle one at a time. He means the actual real-world objects that these loosely refer to...