I would like to express some ideas about addiction and types and to find out what your think about it. I am not working with those who addicted but I have an addicted to smoking husband plus my head is full of different ideas all the time.
I would like to ask a few questions:
What role personality characteristics/types play in addiction?
Are some types are more prone to addiction?
What types may find easier to quit unhealthy style?
What functions may play a key role in managing addiction and for whom?
If we are talking about addiction we need to start with rationality/irrationality opposition. I guess we all can be addicted and to exhibit very irrational behaviour at times due to the fact that we all are rational and irrational at the same time and have got mind (rational part) and (soul - magic/irrational part). I assume if we do not balance these two we get in a some form of trouble either in a real world or in your head only or both.
I will hypothesize that:
1. We shall find more irrational types than rational types between the addicts.
2. There will be more irrational ethical types than irrational logical types between the irrational addicts.
3. There will be more rational logical types than rational ethical types between rational addicts.
These three hypothesis are based on the workings of rationality/irrationality and balancing. I assume that the irrational ethical types have got an overdose of irrationality compared to all other types. Because ethics is about feelings and about people. People are part of the nature and nature is irrational and magic. Feelings is magic because we cannot touch them and they definitely are not the product of any material part of our body except soul. We can see feelings in others and feel within ourselves before we attach a word label to what we actually feel or see.
I assume that irrational ethical types are at the extreme of the continuum which is called: first pleasure than thinking. I believe that irrationality/perception/ feeling is expressed more in nature, art/colour, music, dance, sport, leisure, sex …well probably in everything but definitely more in some of activities than the others. That is why irrational types who find the healthy/rational expression of their irrational potential and fulfil themselves may appear as perfectly rational and on the opposite, the rational types who engaged in unhealthy(irrational) lifestyle or just got carried away with their very rational activities (like work) can be perceived as irrationals.
Rational logical types are at the other end - they probably experience a lack of irrationality more than any other types. Too much thinking or brain working can be harmful and in need of irrational compensation- the open door for unhealthy irrational pleasures and activities.
I may be right or may be wrong. If you noticed I did not say anything about extraversion and introversion and extraverted and introverted functions…may be they can answer some of the key questions?
I will hypothesize:
1. Those types who have (extraverted?) sensorics in their first/ base or second/creative functions will be easier to quit than those who have (extraverted?) intuition as their base or creative functions.
Sensorical types are assumed to be more powerful then intuitive types. Sensorics is associated with air (which get into anything and everything) and intuition with fire.
Why sensorical types are assumed to be more powerful? I guess they less depend on the external circumstances: they don’t like it - they got all what it takes to change it. Intuitive types are more affected by the situation they are in as they have not got the power to change it there and then. Less power to break the vicious circle.
I didn’t make my mind clear about the difference between internal and external intuition and sensorics regarding this topic. I have generalised by talking about sensorial and intuitive types but it may well be difference because the functions are differently expressed in behaviour. It could be interesting to check out all this ideas… may be to make some sort of questionnaire …may be somebody has got an interest and can help to put it on the internet? Anyway, feel free to say what you think…