Quote Originally Posted by Sumer1an View Post
Quote Originally Posted by HunterX View Post
This is what I have noticed:

They are particularly polite and silent in groups consisting of people they don't really know well, choosing to observe.

When they get fired up on factual descriptions of mundane stuff/news (SLI) or factual analysis (ILI), they ignore the emotional effect of their words on others. Hence not knowing when to stop, and possibly boring people with mundane talk (SLI), or factual analysis (ILI).

They aren't necessarily bad at understanding emotional dynamics, but are bad at going with and keeping up with the flow of group "Fe banter". When they are forced to do it, they say awkward stuff, smile, grunt, to try and turn the attention away from them. If it doesn't and keeps returning, they may react badly. Essentially, having the effect of bringing upon uncomfortable pauses before someone else resumes the banter. They usually only notice what went wrong when it's too late.

They suck at overt emotional expression, unless it's a parody where their true feelings aren't involved. They usually are closet romantics, hesitant to convey their true sentiments and are sensitive of the state of their Fi bond with people.

They hate being forced to open up and express how they feel as well as to contribute to the emotional atmosphere if they do not genuinely feel it, and are often accused of being dull and unentertaining by Fe valuers.
Both of these are actually really accurate.
I can relate very well to a lot of what Hunter wrote.

-Very polite, politic, and emotionally tolerant/easy-going when with strangers.

-Emotional expression is easy when hamming it up or being genuine, but only if it's reactive in nature (i.e. mimicking a voice, laughing out loud, cursing, etc.). Creating or carrying the emotional expression is difficult and will quickly transform into Fi.

-Will tend to deflect attention, and gets annoyed when it continually returns. It's like, "What the fuck? Why do you insist on including me? Can't you see by my non-participation that I don't want to? Yak it up - leave me out of it!"

-On the other side of that same coin, will often not 'express emotion' because the emotion is complex or shades of grey and requires logical explanation to adequately express it. When forced into an explanation, will usually err on the side of either complete waffling or definitive emotional statement: "Yum." "Meh." "Lame. "Sweet." This is because they realize the overall negative effect of any lengthy explanation on the audience (contrary to claims of NOT being aware) - people are obsessed with shiny things - they don't have the attention span to hear and understand a 20-30 second explanation.