Quote Originally Posted by silverchris9 View Post
I just think of Fe-polrs as kind of untactful. Shrug.
Tact is generally an afterthought. If it's prioritized then it's usually deliberated upon too much to be timely and the result is often stilted and weird.

They may sometimes be aware of the emotional impact they know they will cause (especially ILIs, I assume), simply because they have caused said impact before, but they will not consciously consider that as a factor in whether or not to say what's on their mind
This breaks down a few different ways for me:

  • Interest in factuality overrides interpersonal considerations.
  • A knack for homing in on defects leads me to opine on unmentionables.
  • An attraction to disquieting subjects makes me more comfortable with them than my weaker-stomached interlocutors might like.
  • A quick risk calculation made before uttering risque or otherwise dicey comments errs on the side of "oops".
  • Risk calculation is bypassed and toes are stepped on inadvertently.
  • I push buttons to gauge responses, sometimes alienating people in the process.
  • Attempts at mending fences with more appeals to facts and logic rather than simple contrition only compounds the original offense.
  • I dislike a motherfucker and will gladly use any pretext to twist his teats.