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Thread: Your favorite thing about each type:

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  1. #1
    Twist-Tie Spider iAnnAu's Avatar
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    I don't think I could ever make a list like this thread - or the "least favorite" thread - asks for. What we like about a type? It's like asking what kind of fairytale ending you want when your Daddy tucks you in at night. It's an abstraction, not the natural outcome of the process of getting to know the humans to which we're glibly referring by a collection of letters.
    I'm only certain about the types of a small number of people IRL, and what I like about those people has more to do with their personality than their temperament. Yes, the second plays heavily into the former, but they wouldn't be my friends if I thought of them *as* a type, and thus I couldn't generalize what I like about the types by knowing my friends and thinking I know their type. All I can reliably say is what I like about the descriptions of each type - and as recently demonstrated, those descriptions are very much up for debate.
    Do the people who have listed all 16 types actually know people representing all the types? Or are you all just copying over the things that make you go "Awww <3!" or "cool!" from reading the type descriptions?
    Def not trying to stir up a fight! Just curious.
    Quote Originally Posted by Charles Bukowski
    We're all going to die, all of us, what a circus! That alone should make us love each other but it doesn't. We are terrorized and flattened by trivialities, we are eaten up by nothing.

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    Quote Originally Posted by iAnnAu View Post
    I don't think I could ever make a list like this thread - or the "least favorite" thread - asks for. What we like about a type? It's like asking what kind of fairytale ending you want when your Daddy tucks you in at night. It's an abstraction, not the natural outcome of the process of getting to know the humans to which we're glibly referring by a collection of letters.
    I'm only certain about the types of a small number of people IRL, and what I like about those people has more to do with their personality than their temperament. Yes, the second plays heavily into the former, but they wouldn't be my friends if I thought of them *as* a type, and thus I couldn't generalize what I like about the types by knowing my friends and thinking I know their type.
    Yeah, I agree. I also couldn't do it for this same reason.

  3. #3
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    i think the few people who adopted Peter's list should stop being lazy and make their own.

    it's more interesting (maybe even useful) to hear your personal take on each type from the perspective of your own type, whatever that may be.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Khamelion View Post
    i think the few people who adopted Peter's list should stop being lazy and make their own.
    pretty much hit the nail on the head there. I AM too lazy.
    IEI-Fe 4w3

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    Quote Originally Posted by redbaron View Post
    pretty much hit the nail on the head there. I AM too lazy.

    i am too, ive been trying to do this for like 3 days now and i keep putting off but know i want to do it. can't pass up an opportunity to relate myself to things!
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  6. #6
    Let's fly now Gilly's Avatar
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    Wow, you don't know 3/4 of the Delta Quadra, and you know the whole Alpha and Beta quadras...I wonder what that says...?
    But, for a certainty, back then,
    We loved so many, yet hated so much,
    We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...

    Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
    Whilst our laughter echoed,
    Under cerulean skies...

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    Quote Originally Posted by Gilly View Post
    Wow, you don't know 3/4 of the Delta Quadra, and you know the whole Alpha and Beta quadras...I wonder what that says...?

    Whatever you're getting at stop it!

    I don't know why I havn't met many Delta, or recognized them or anything.

    I know tons of Beta because most of my family is Beta. My roommate was Beta, and one of my closest friends was ESTp (who I originally typed ENTj actually...) I was drawn to him because of how intelligent he was, which is usually my motivation for making someone a close friend. I can make friends with anyone I want pretty much, but I am picky about who my close friends are and their level of intelligence, common sense, etc...And my ex-finance is Alpha. I don't personally know an LII, and only one insane ESE. I don't think I know any SEI either...maybe one or two from work.

    I don't think the people I've been exposed to, and the people I've randomly chosen to attack have much bearing on my type. Maybe in certain respects. Such reasoning for attacking each one....all depends on what I felt I needed at the time. With the SLE friend, I needed some ass-kicking motivation to start out my new life on my I tried him on(thinking he was ENTj at the time and he'd provide me with a layout of how things would unfold). He ended up being good for ass-kicks more than layouts, and I go to him when I want someone to say something strait-forward and harsh to me to get me revved up more (I was depressed lots during that time period). I was drawn to EIE...well actually I wasn't really drawn in by her....I guess I liked the supervision from a distance, the advice and openings she gave me to vent about people and give me insight, but the fact I moved in with her was circumstantial and based on opportunity. I only bothered with 2 ESI close friends all through my high school years because they were fulfilling in the task of making me comfortable, accepting my weirdness, and even topping it. And enjoyed paying me attention. All I really needed in that time period. The ILE (supposive) fiancee was also based on opportunity, and my strange draw to wanting to always have a partner in crime. At the time, I needed a distraction and something to focus my feelings on. Perfect candidate...until I started to become more healthy and realized I need different things. Pursued at least one more SLE, because I was stressed out and bored with routine life and craved a matter how unhealthy that challenge turned out to be. Also, towards the end of my "venture on my own" adventure...I chose an hopes of being admired and appreciated for everything I have to offer, rather than having to try to constantly impress someone. I got a taste of this and it hasn't left yet...and I think I finally get it.

    My point is, the people I gravitate towards doesn't necessarily have to do with my type, but more about my life-stages and what I impulsively crave/think I need during them. Socionics says that all this time I only needed my dual! Too bad I was too preoccupied playing with the rest of the socion to pay attention to them.
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  8. #8
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    Okay. you did it. I shall as well.

    ESE: able to talk to anyone and create a welcoming atmosphere even among strangers. keeps the house clean. cooks. genuine. what you see is what you get.

    LII: fabulous researcher! geeky in a good way (I love geeks). usually good with technology. organized. super interesting to talk to.

    ILE: fount of ideas. upbeat, pulls you out of your shell. nice to everyone equally. good business mind. makes you feel "seen", not ignored.

    SEI: sweet. kind. comforting. sweet. good at baking. great with small talk. sweet. enjoys nature/music/beauty. sincere enthusiasm. very sweet.

    SLE: able to give you the bottom line without having to walk you through every step of logic (which I find tedious). Just do it. calm. steady. able to handle varying emotions and intensity.

    EIE: believes in their cause. stands up for themselves and those they love.

    IEI: emotionally resilient. insightful

    LSI: thoughtful. optimistic. goal-oriented.

    SEE: funny. energetic. life of the party. funny. draws everyone in. did I mention funny?

    ILI: dry sense of humor. smart. great writers.

    LIE: don't know many irl. not sure.

    ESI: enthusiastic about what they believe. can be intense (in a positive way). take their relationships very seriously.

    LSE: brings order to a disorderly world. keeps their cars clean (which I am in favor of, in general).

    EII: good at parenting. supports significant others/children to the nth degree.

    IEE: easy going. fun to talk to. interested in people.

    SLI: not easily ruffled. calm, cool & collected.
    IEI-Fe 4w3

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    LII: Generally just the way they wrap their minds around things is fascinating and foreign to me.

    ILE: Fun, can bounce energy back and forth, don't give up in logical arguments. Good short-term planners, for things like hiking trips or camping....etc. Funny in a goofy way and often stimulating.

    SEI: Fluffy and soft and they make me tea while we talk about pointless things forever and ever.

    ESE: Tend to be the life-force in social situations, making things exciting and interesting. Keeps me on my toes, my jaw dropped, or constantly laughter coming from me.

    SLE: Uber uber fun, mainly to combat. It's even fun to submit to them and let them go on and on about something because their point of view always feels foreign and intriguing. Like they are the blabber-mouth of Beta, telling me all its secrets. Tend to be hilarious and fun to do just about anything with that involves moving and pushing. Excellent teachers somehow, Ti I think is good for teaching....although they seem to get exasperated with me when they have to explain every small process of what does what and when and where. I know one in particular that is really patient with that though and has adapted to me. Very cool. (Just cuz I like SLE's doesn't mean I'm INFp lolol. They are just the most fun and challenging....but it wears me out and ends up muting me...oops, I'll save that for the negative thread.)

    IEI: The one's I've known are generally calm, yet easily excitable if you put on a show. I like how they are always laughing at my jokes when no one else gets it, and they are always praising me for just being around them. (Seriously, I've got this from more than one IEI) I also like the insight they have to people's emotions and how they can inform me of such things that I tend to ignore by accident...which is enlightening and helpful in social mastery. They also tend to be very good supporters and cheerleaders....which brings me toooooo.....

    EIE: Good cheerleaders! Better than IEI in terms of energy, yet sometimes I don't want that energy at all what so ever and I prefer IEI's calm cheers. I'm having a hard time with the EIE here....basically the same as I said about the social insight....except I don't like how they tell me whats always sounds like scolding to me and gets me angry. Ooo, I got one...they are good for planning out a days events and keeping everyone doing something productive at all times. Definitely. Although sometimes they try to do too much...yes yes...I save that for negative thread.

    LSI: Hmmm, I don't know many. Only one I think, and only from that experience can I say that I like the challenge they present. It's constant though, unrelenting. They are fun when I'm in a competitive mood (not very often) and the one in particular makes really good sarcastic jokes while keeping a strait, unwavering face. His face is completely like...drained of emotion, so when he does make expressions they are always kind of funny or cute.

    ILI: Unfortunately, I pretty much know 0 ILI's. Lucky me eh? I don't even feel like I can comment on them what so ever.

    LIE: Hm, good at warning me what my actions might cause before I do/say something ridiculous. Which leads to good at giving advice. Also has that quality that EIE's have where they are good at planning out a day, or even longer, in a way that optimizes time for most productivity. Fantastic to talk to forever and ever, and even to listen to. Never gets boring really.

    SEE: Best type ever. BEST EVER I SAID.

    ESI: I only know 2, this is hard. I mainly like them because they like me, if that makes any sense. It's because we both know we accept each other already, so there is no line that I have to look out for (well, I should clearify. there are hardly any lines to cross when it's just the two of us, or the two of us in front of family or extra close friends) and even if i accidentally cross a line, its always easily forgiven because intentions are what matters in situations like those, imo. they cross lines too, im just more tolerant of people crossing my lines so i never really make a fuss about it. i'll growl...but thats about it. i find both the ESI's i know extremely hilarious. it's always very easy to be around them.

    LSE: DUN KNOW NONES! They sound like ass-kickers though.

    SLI: I like how they feed into my trying to justify being lazy. They make me feel like I don't have to feel bad about it. They have good ideas about relaxing and having a good time. They catch my jokes and tend to think I'm funny (in case you couldn't tell I like it when I amuse people). They are funny too because their jokes are usually off-the-wall ridiculous...and for one SLI in particular, you really have to think out the joke or antic before you realize that it's funny...and that in itself is really funny. lolol

    IEE: I don't really know any, but from the forum and such....they tend to just be very fair-minded and nonjudgmental, not to mention imaginative.

    EII: I don't know any
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    Quote Originally Posted by Khamelion View Post
    LIE: Hm, good at warning me what my actions might cause before I do/say something ridiculous. Which leads to good at giving advice. Also has that quality that EIE's have where they are good at planning out a day, or even longer, in a way that optimizes time for most productivity. Fantastic to talk to forever and ever, and even to listen to. Never gets boring really.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Joy View Post
    Joy can even make boilers exciting.

    rly good red baron, im seconding some because i should have thought of them

    EIE: believes in their cause. stands up for themselves and those they love. passionate!!

    ESI: enthusiastic about what they believe. can be intense (in a positive way). take their relationships very seriously. Loyalty, thats a good addition!

    IEE: easy going. fun to talk to. interested in people. Easy going is a good one!

    SLI: not easily ruffled. calm, cool & collected. Yosh!

    LII: organized, yosh!
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    Quote Originally Posted by Khamelion View Post
    Joy can even make boilers exciting.
    bwahaha I hope so, that's my job

    (well, maybe not exciting... just interesting enough to absorb the information I need to give people)

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    SEE: Luffy


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    Quote Originally Posted by Joy View Post
    SEE: Luffy

    aaahhhhahaha i almost put that!!! really!!!!

    BRAVO RED BARON!!!!!!!
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    Deltas are very easy to overlook.

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