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Thread: Your favorite thing about each type:

  1. #41
    redbaron's Avatar
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    Okay. you did it. I shall as well.

    ESE: able to talk to anyone and create a welcoming atmosphere even among strangers. keeps the house clean. cooks. genuine. what you see is what you get.

    LII: fabulous researcher! geeky in a good way (I love geeks). usually good with technology. organized. super interesting to talk to.

    ILE: fount of ideas. upbeat, pulls you out of your shell. nice to everyone equally. good business mind. makes you feel "seen", not ignored.

    SEI: sweet. kind. comforting. sweet. good at baking. great with small talk. sweet. enjoys nature/music/beauty. sincere enthusiasm. very sweet.

    SLE: able to give you the bottom line without having to walk you through every step of logic (which I find tedious). Just do it. calm. steady. able to handle varying emotions and intensity.

    EIE: believes in their cause. stands up for themselves and those they love.

    IEI: emotionally resilient. insightful

    LSI: thoughtful. optimistic. goal-oriented.

    SEE: funny. energetic. life of the party. funny. draws everyone in. did I mention funny?

    ILI: dry sense of humor. smart. great writers.

    LIE: don't know many irl. not sure.

    ESI: enthusiastic about what they believe. can be intense (in a positive way). take their relationships very seriously.

    LSE: brings order to a disorderly world. keeps their cars clean (which I am in favor of, in general).

    EII: good at parenting. supports significant others/children to the nth degree.

    IEE: easy going. fun to talk to. interested in people.

    SLI: not easily ruffled. calm, cool & collected.
    IEI-Fe 4w3

  2. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gilly View Post
    Wow, you don't know 3/4 of the Delta Quadra, and you know the whole Alpha and Beta quadras...I wonder what that says...?

    Whatever you're getting at stop it!

    I don't know why I havn't met many Delta, or recognized them or anything.

    I know tons of Beta because most of my family is Beta. My roommate was Beta, and one of my closest friends was ESTp (who I originally typed ENTj actually...) I was drawn to him because of how intelligent he was, which is usually my motivation for making someone a close friend. I can make friends with anyone I want pretty much, but I am picky about who my close friends are and their level of intelligence, common sense, etc...And my ex-finance is Alpha. I don't personally know an LII, and only one insane ESE. I don't think I know any SEI either...maybe one or two from work.

    I don't think the people I've been exposed to, and the people I've randomly chosen to attack have much bearing on my type. Maybe in certain respects. Such reasoning for attacking each one....all depends on what I felt I needed at the time. With the SLE friend, I needed some ass-kicking motivation to start out my new life on my I tried him on(thinking he was ENTj at the time and he'd provide me with a layout of how things would unfold). He ended up being good for ass-kicks more than layouts, and I go to him when I want someone to say something strait-forward and harsh to me to get me revved up more (I was depressed lots during that time period). I was drawn to EIE...well actually I wasn't really drawn in by her....I guess I liked the supervision from a distance, the advice and openings she gave me to vent about people and give me insight, but the fact I moved in with her was circumstantial and based on opportunity. I only bothered with 2 ESI close friends all through my high school years because they were fulfilling in the task of making me comfortable, accepting my weirdness, and even topping it. And enjoyed paying me attention. All I really needed in that time period. The ILE (supposive) fiancee was also based on opportunity, and my strange draw to wanting to always have a partner in crime. At the time, I needed a distraction and something to focus my feelings on. Perfect candidate...until I started to become more healthy and realized I need different things. Pursued at least one more SLE, because I was stressed out and bored with routine life and craved a matter how unhealthy that challenge turned out to be. Also, towards the end of my "venture on my own" adventure...I chose an hopes of being admired and appreciated for everything I have to offer, rather than having to try to constantly impress someone. I got a taste of this and it hasn't left yet...and I think I finally get it.

    My point is, the people I gravitate towards doesn't necessarily have to do with my type, but more about my life-stages and what I impulsively crave/think I need during them. Socionics says that all this time I only needed my dual! Too bad I was too preoccupied playing with the rest of the socion to pay attention to them.
    SEE Unknown Subtype
    6w7 sx/so

    [21:29] hitta: idealism is just the gap between the thought of death
    [21:29] hitta: and not dying

  3. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by Joy View Post
    SEE: Luffy

    aaahhhhahaha i almost put that!!! really!!!!

    BRAVO RED BARON!!!!!!!
    SEE Unknown Subtype
    6w7 sx/so

    [21:29] hitta: idealism is just the gap between the thought of death
    [21:29] hitta: and not dying

  4. #44
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    Deltas are very easy to overlook.

    Check out my Socionics group!

  5. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by Joy View Post
    Joy can even make boilers exciting.

    rly good red baron, im seconding some because i should have thought of them

    EIE: believes in their cause. stands up for themselves and those they love. passionate!!

    ESI: enthusiastic about what they believe. can be intense (in a positive way). take their relationships very seriously. Loyalty, thats a good addition!

    IEE: easy going. fun to talk to. interested in people. Easy going is a good one!

    SLI: not easily ruffled. calm, cool & collected. Yosh!

    LII: organized, yosh!
    SEE Unknown Subtype
    6w7 sx/so

    [21:29] hitta: idealism is just the gap between the thought of death
    [21:29] hitta: and not dying

  6. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by Khamelion View Post
    Joy can even make boilers exciting.
    bwahaha I hope so, that's my job

    (well, maybe not exciting... just interesting enough to absorb the information I need to give people)

    Check out my Socionics group!

  7. #47


    ILE – Energetic; curious; always coming up with fun ideas; always learning new things and trying to figure out things and people they don’t understand

    SEI – Fun-loving; welcome you into their homes with total friendliness; seem to be unpretentious for the most part

    ESE – Friendly, friendly, friendly; take interest in others and make them feel cared for; responsible; energetic

    LII – Understand and able to explain the inner workings of very complex things from computers and languages to systems of philosophy; devoted to the few people they decide to wholly devote themselves to

    SLE – Energetic; good salesmen; often good athletes

    IEI – Imaginative; often artistic

    EIE – Energetic; friendly; get behind important causes to drive them forward

    LSI – They get things done; devoted to family; good providers; make sure others are doing what’s right [morally and/or technically]

    LIE – Honest; up-front; knowledgeable and often right about things, but willing to stand gracefully corrected if/when they are wrong; practical in
    going after what they want

    ESI – Loyal; stand up for things/people they believe in

    SEE – Friendly; engaging; often are very athletic, with a healthy competitive spirit; encourage others

    ILI – Fascinating to talk to; extremely; imaginative; come up with whole new worlds, all in their heads; able to create new systems of thought and/or philosophy; great [morbid] sense of humor; get my jokes and smile dryly

    LSE – Efficient; work before play; play almost as hard as they work, without going crazy; can be spontaneous; can be surprisingly good at analyzing people; fun to hang out with, relaxing or out on a Friday night

    EII – Open and welcoming; loyal; devoted to those they care about in a way that I find awe-inspiring; generous with their time and themselves

    IEE – Friendly; easy to talk to, especially the more you get to know them; curious about life and the world and people in general; astoundingly creative

    SLI – laid-back; calm; generally friendly in spite of the way they sometimes come across; almost always up for spontaneous adventure

  8. #48
    I had words here once, but I didn't feed them Khola aka Bee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JRiddy View Post
    ENTp: me
    ENFp: Homestar Runner
    I do what I'm told!!!
    Hello, my name is Bee. Pleased to meet you .

  9. #49
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    ILE: Inventive. Creative. Interesting.
    ESE: Caring. Kind. Socially intelligent.
    LII: ?
    SEI: ?

    IEI: Articulate.
    EIE: Socially ineteligent.
    SLE: Confident.
    LSI: ?

    SEE: Fun.
    ILI: ?
    ESI: ?
    LIE: ?

    IEE: Fun. Entertaining. Interesting.
    SLI: Chill.
    EII: Kind. Emotionally intelligent. Wise.
    LSE: ?
    Quote Originally Posted by Mariano Rajoy View Post
    Pop psychology isn't rocket science.

  10. #50
    Your DNA is mine. Mediator Kam's Avatar
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    ILE: EinStein
    ESE: Kind.
    LII: ?
    SEI: ?

    IEI: 4.
    EIE: ?
    SLE: Bold.
    LSI: ????

    SEE: ?
    ILI: ?
    ESI: ?
    LIE: ???????

    IEE: Fun. Entertaining. Interesting.
    SLI: ?
    EII: ?
    LSE: ?
    D-SEI 9w1

    This is me and my dual being scientific together

  11. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kamangir View Post
    ILE: EinStein
    ESE: Kind.
    LII: ?
    SEI: ?

    IEI: 4.
    EIE: ?
    SLE: Bold.
    LSI: ????

    SEE: ?
    ILI: ?
    ESI: ?
    LIE: ???????

    IEE: Fun. Entertaining. Interesting.
    SLI: ?
    EII: ?
    LSE: ?
    Copy cat.
    Quote Originally Posted by Mariano Rajoy View Post
    Pop psychology isn't rocket science.

  12. #52
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    ESI: never let go
    LSI: never give up

  13. #53
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    I'd have to think of specific people to do this.

    SEI: Nice. Caring.
    ILE: Positive minded.
    ESE: Nice.

    IEI: Some interesting ideas/viewpoints.
    SLE: Funny. Proactive.
    LSI: Sensible. Funny.
    EIE: Interesting, perceptive, funny, confident.

    ILI: Straightforward, funny.
    SEE: Funny and optimistic.
    ESI: Loyal.
    LIE: Knowledgeable, confident and perceptive. Good morals but doesn't get stuck on redundancies.

    SLI: Laid back. Funny.
    IEE: Well-meaning.
    EII: Nice. Well-meaning.
    LSE: Hard-working. Likable.
    Last edited by suedehead; 08-01-2014 at 04:56 PM.

  14. #54
    A man chooses, a slave obeys MensSuperMateriam's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by suedehead View Post
    I'd have to think of specific people to do this.

    SEI: Nice. Caring.
    ILE: Positive minded.
    ESE: Nice.

    IEI: Some interesting ideas/viewpoints.
    SLE: Funny. Proactive.
    LSI: Sensible. Funny.
    EIE: Interesting, perceptive, funny, confident.

    ILI: Straightforward, funny.
    SEE: Funny and optimistic.
    ESI: Loyal.
    LIE: Knowledgeable, confident and perceptive. Good morals but doesn't get stuck on redundancies.

    SLI: Laid back. Funny.
    IEE: Well-meaning.
    EII: Nice. Well-meaning.
    LSE: Hard-working. Likable.

    LOL. You must hate your supervisors, if that's the only one excluded (even your conflictor is in the list).

  15. #55
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    I honestly don't know much about them. It wasn't supposed to be spiteful.
    Last edited by suedehead; 08-01-2014 at 08:03 PM.

  16. #56
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    ILE - always willing to help, can fix anything!
    SEI - always approachable, good listener, comforting
    ESE - brings family together, giving, genuinely cares
    LII - logic is flawless, crazy-smart, unflappable

    SLE - wears heart on sleeve
    IEI - deep, brave, caring, fragile <3
    EIE - inclusive, brings enjoyment to life, loving
    LSI - independent, strong, loyal...unknowingly vulnerable

    LIE - will take the fall for others
    ESI - integrity--has &holds true to their strongly held beliefs
    SEE - sunshine...perfect combo of hard & soft <3
    ILI - steady, reliable quality of mind, understated dignity

    LSE - holds everyone/thing together, tireless, high standards
    EII - generous, humble, genuinely cares for & helps others
    IEE - strong &deep connections with so many, generous
    SLI - helpful, positive, a calming presence!

  17. #57
    A man chooses, a slave obeys MensSuperMateriam's Avatar
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    It would be a bit more interesting if bad traits are also included. Qualifiers based in positive and negative versions of each type that not necessarily have to simultaneoulsy manifest.

    SEI: Kind. Hedonist.

    ILE: Imaginative. Narcissist.
    LII: Universal constructor. Uncompromising idealist.
    ESE: Optimistic. Busybody.

    IEI: Insight. Disconnected from reality.
    SLE: A force of nature. Sociopath asshole.
    LSI: Tireless goal pursuer. Uncompromising (the j-est j).
    EIE: The embodyment of a purpose. Manipulator.

    ILI: Straightforward, anti-hypocrisy. Feeds in fault-finding, destructive criticizer.
    SEE: Funny and friendly. Social elitist.
    ESI: Loyal friend. Judgemental (in a neurotic and neurotizing way).
    LIE: The SUV intuitor. Egocentric, arrogant.

    SLI: Crafty. Conservative, ambition-killer.
    IEE: Non judgemental. Nature worshipper.
    EII: Well-meaning, generous. Proselitist, preacher.
    LSE: Hard-working, trustable. Micromanaging everyone and averything.
    Last edited by MensSuperMateriam; 08-01-2014 at 09:18 PM.

  18. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by sevjenn View Post
    ILE - rly funny and easy to read when men.they make deranged and not vry funny women
    SEI - a bit trite but cosy
    ESE - tries hard to be delight on a stick but rly nice people if you don't look like a cheerless fk
    LII - cool and funny

    SLE - hands-on cool, funny,closet caregivers
    IEI - wat
    EIE - very interesting
    LSI - kinda hot and mysterious but more catty and vicious than sle

    LIE - outspoken ,often integral,flexible
    ESI - ESI
    SEE - sunshine...perfect combo of hard & soft <3
    ILI - grudgy/grumpy but easy to make them stop being grudgy/grumpy

    LSE - LSE
    EII - try hard to look fragile
    IEE - they look like they wanna die.also,wat.
    SLI - good to have along into the wild

  19. #59
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    ILE - pretty cool, funny sense of humor, easy to make laugh... but also make lots of empty promises. totally okay with dating really dumb girls as long as they are super feminine.

    SEI - adorable personalities, easy to get along with but super lazy. slack off whenever possible. really likes food. easy to make smile. disarming approach to others.

    ESE - extremely helpful, will go out of their way to make someone feel welcomed, optimistic or extremely pessimistic. very observant, make clever observations. easy to get along with but also extremely critical of others at times/people they do not care for. petty.
    LII - adorable senses of humor. quirky. act clueless but often know more about a situation than they let on. fail at simple tasks and remembering things. love to be coddled. easy to get along with if they don't hate you.

    SLE - intense, opinionated. little insecure puppies at times. easy to get along with but also very easy to piss off. think they are the cat's meow and know everything. devil's advocate to the point of being obnoxious just to be obnoxious.

    IEI - initially super cute, some play dumb when they are actually fairly intelligent..while super dumb ones tend to pretend to be an intellect. either easy to make smile or unbearably moody. expect alot from people.

    - either totally worthy of admiration or a total obnoxious know-it-all who preaches at others but barely follows own advice if at all. very opinionated. likes to repeat self.

    LSI - usually pretty attractive without trying. moody fuckers. occasionally endearing but that wears off quickly. like to voice opinions of a situation AFTER the fact rather than before or during. always likes to repeat self. easy to grab a beer with...just leave alone when they are drunk because they are more than likely a mean drunk.

    LIE - secretly empathetic towards people... way more understanding than let on. very helpful to people. like to be admired and respected. actually quite sensitive. likes people to find them humorous. kind of bossy.

    ESI - switches from being laidback/pretty empathetic to being a cold hearted asshole pretty quickly. likes privacy but also spills a lot at random intervals. interrupts people although hates being interrupted. gossipy though hates gossip. has a love/hate relationship with self. relies on people-- therefore also has a love/hate relationship with people.

    SEE- easy to approach. very receiving of attention and socially smooth in a way that even their self-proclaimed "awkwardness" isn't very awkward. has a nice balance of self-deprecating jokes and teasing others. readily lends an ear even if they are faking it. better at hiding what an emotional mess they are than other types. seemingly very open with people without actually sharing much about themselves.
    ILI - grumpy but lighten up when they are in the presence of someone they deem as "on their level" or interesting to them. easily shuts down and give up. hardworkers though don't necessarily like doing it...takes a lot for them to get to the point of actually doing something. can be hilariously socially unaware.

    - can be totally jovial or have a stick up the ass. focuses on detail so much that the big picture is usually so elusive to them. can be optimistic but usually theres a bitchy comment to be made soon after. like to plan details.

    EII - try hard to look fragile << . also want to add that can be loyal...until they get sick of it and just cut friends off. pretty moody. want people to read their minds. can definitely be seen as cute/interesting. either play up themselves as independent up the helplessness.
    IEE - playful. a mess with words at times. stumble over themselves physically and also socially. insightful. total cuties.

    SLI - lazy but make up for it by working hard at things they actually enjoy. great with a grill and/or tools. likes to tinker with things. best handymen...usually dont rip people off. they appreciate honesty but not always very honest (usually either because they aren't sure what to say or they think it's just easier to tell small lies...those these usually add up over time).
    Last edited by blackburry; 08-02-2014 at 10:59 AM.

  20. #60
    Feeling fucking fantastic golden's Avatar
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    Retitling it "My favorite things about type examples from my own life":

    ILE - bent creativity
    SEI - flow aesthetics
    ESE - vroom
    LII - cute as little fuckin' buttons

    SLE - vulnerable behind bravado
    IEI - escape artistry
    EIE - regality
    LSI - clarity

    SEE - smoothies
    ILI - principled
    LIE - oddly comforting
    ESI - edge

    IEE - uh
    SLI - integrity
    LSE - bad jokes sometimes are endearing
    EII - sweet loons

  21. #61
    Breaking stereotypes Suz's Avatar
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    I like @blackburry 's list the best, actually.
    Enneagram: 9w1 6w5 2w3 so/sx

  22. #62


    ILE: informative
    LII: witty
    ESE: empathetic
    SEI: artistic

    SLE: lusty
    LSI: disciplined
    EIE: visionary
    IEI: dignified

    SEE: headstrong
    ESI: devoted
    LIE: hardworking
    ILI: penetrating

    IEE: adaptable
    EII: trustworthy
    LSE: organized
    SLI: risk taker
    Last edited by ConcreteButterfly; 08-03-2014 at 02:45 AM.

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