It occured to me that I should compile a list of type-specific arrogance. (Many thanks to FDG, and Sycophant for the contributions).
My current obsession is with the 7th function and I wonder if the arrogance is related to that...
Anyway - here they are. Correct me if I've made an error. This is just the way types seem to come off to INxps and ENTjs, lol.
(ENTjs, btw, are wonderful in this kind of exercise because their nitpicky can find the perfect word)
Arrogance in the 16 Types
ENTp says "I am more interesting than you"
ISFp says “I am more aesthetic than you”
ESFj says “I am more caring than you”
INTj says “I am more intelligent than you”
ENFj says “I am more concerned than you”
ISTj says “I am more capable than you”
ESTp says “I am stronger than you”/“I am better than you”
INFp says “I am more unique than you”
ENTj says “I am more right than you”
ISFj says “I am more proper than you”
ESFp says “I am more stylish than you”
INTp says “I am more educated than you”
ENFp says "I am less arrogant than you"
ISTp says “I am more pragmatic than you”
ESTj says “I am more competent than you”
INFj says “I am more ethical than you”