Question #1, what i think before i answer this:
"You think inventively and never fail to search out new original ways to dealing with things"
What are things? objects, situations? well today i needed to push a teabag into cup and opted for a saltshaker rather than wasting a spoon. I don't know if that is inventive. how can you tell if something you do is inventive? Everybody is creative in a way. I can get into a car and start it three times faster than every person i know. This is creative, i have to rely completely on muscle memory and co-ordination.
"You have a lack of confidence in new methods, especially without proof of the reliability of any new method "
No. I try everything, and i always learn from a reliable source. If i want to organize my room or daily life, i find people who have these qualities and ask them how they do it(i once asked a girl i didn't know who ran track what she does when she runs, you know how she balances her legs and all the movment involved. i have to get the BEST advice when i want to learn something). i've recently started doing lists, and having specific spots for all my clothes, etc. I love learning and think everyone has a valuable lesson in them.
"You always look towards the future in a positive light "
Always. i'm always ready to go, sometimes i go to bed early just so it can be a new day.
"You have an inner sense of responsibility towards others within the core of your personality"
Not in an emotional support sort of way, but if somebody needed my help i'd never turn them down. And i like to give advice, which is usually a series of questions, always starting with, "well what do you want to do?" then followed by "why." I've been hanging out with this new interesting girl lately and she says my most common actions are; saying "why is that" or staring. She's always asking me "what are you thinking?!!"
"You can not stand to see grayness or regularity within others"
This is a reason i go through friends very quickly. I can't stand people if they are really obvious about who they are. Isn't that really boring?
"You are very realistic and can accurately judge the effectiveness of any undertaken project"
Yes, but this puts me off about a lot of projects. I'm always trying to start new music with people, but sometimes i don't follow through. Recently i was asking this guy if he wants to play music(he does turntables and is into electronic music, always going on about 180+ bpm), but then i had to realize this kid is a douchebag who makes horrible jokes, and i've always known him to be more interested in the social aspects of his craft(this destroys me when it comes to working with others).
"You are disciplined, responsible, and do not like to waste your words with nonsensical talk"
I enjoy this phrase. People have often told me, "You never give up" or "you are the most in-control, calculated person i've ever met."
i hate frivilous things. i've never had posters or decorations i didn't feel ashamed of. I never feel bad using other people's deoderant. I get really angry when people do stupid things when 'doing.' For instance, if i'm playing music with someone who is laying out the structure, playing chords or anything like that, and they just quit or play really sloppy or really horrible sounds. I give them a steely look and say "why the fuck did you do that?" Or if i'm playing tennis and somebody makes a bad shot and they throw their racket in a joking manner or hit the ball really hard, for shits and giggles or whatever, i get angry. Or just scowl. those sort of things always seem to be more about calling attention to yourself rather than 'totally being in the moment.' Recently i was asked to attend a drum circle at 10 pm in the evening, in the cold outdoors, certainly the social makeup was 10 parts stoned zero parts musical talent, so i said, "music is for the enhancement of senses, so why would i want to deprive them to play it?"
ah well. this is the most accurately i have placed myself in words for the forum.
i still can't bring myself to take that test. i think through every question for a minute and a half, and then find myself very apaethic and just clicking things based on the model i created for myself earlier(questions 30-300+ are done this way).
by the way, people have always called me "too analytical," in person. Which seems like a joke to the people who have observed me on the messageboard, but my analysis of the messageboard was, "these people are usually talking about themselves and offering small snippets of their inner life, what good would rational thought have here? People here are creating systems to understand other people. That thought is absolutely ridiculous. These little systems are cute ways to organize acquaintances but nothing more. If you are searching for identity and limited to 16 options, you are fucked, and obviously would rather by a stereotype than have an identity. Oh, plus socionics is face reading voodoo mixed with offbeat translations of very few sources of concept."
so forget everything i've ever written except this(and by this i mean this post, jerkbags)(and no i don't operate under the assumption that you remember anything i write. This is just a statement to those more closely attached to e-egos.) what's my type?