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Thread: My typeup for discussion

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    the Omniscient Nexus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mimosa Pudica View Post
    Thank you for the explanations!

    Do you have anything specific in mind when saying you haven't seen me exhibit or valuing behavior?

    My initial IEE-typing was based on me being quite hyper-active at times, especially at parties, and the fact that I have done a lot of different things in my life. Also, I seldom rest my mind. I thought that sounded both Ep-temperamental and IEE?
    I only said that I have not seen it, but it is probably b/c we have not interacted enough. The statement you described is confusing b/c it implies self-perception, but it could be b/c you are trying to convey what you have perceived about yourself. However I would expect someone who is -valuing to be more certain/decisive with regard to themselves and their behaviors, such as 'I like to be hyperactive' rather than 'I notice hyperactivity in me'. It is as though you are comparing yourself to hyperactivity rather than choosing to be hyperactive.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Mimosa Pudica View Post
    I don't particularly like being hyperactive. It's more a mask I put to have fun when at a party. I'm not in parties THAT often. I don't find myself hyperactive at all.
    It was just an example. BTW you sound more like a 3 than a 1 from this description and what you said about feeling like you needing to please people, being more confident in the world than yourself, and having to continuously search for a balance between your wants with those of others. A 1 probably would not change very much even for a special occasion.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Huitzilopochtli
    It was just an example. BTW you sound more like a 3 than a 1 from this description and what you said about feeling like you needing to please people, being more confident in the world than yourself, and having to continuously search for a balance between your wants with those of others. A 1 probably would not change very much even for a special occasion.
    I agree that a 1 wouldn't be like this, but I don't think it makes 3 the most likely type. 2's are compliant to the social norms they believe are expected of them; 6's are compliant to their supporters; 9's try to balance their needs with those of others. Those three types are all more likely than 3. The 3 cares about being admired and puts on a mask, but it isn't to take care of others needs or please them, really.

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    Quote Originally Posted by strrrng View Post
    I agree that a 1 wouldn't be like this, but I don't think it makes 3 the most likely type. 2's are compliant to the social norms they believe are expected of them; 6's are compliant to their supporters; 9's try to balance their needs with those of others. Those three types are all more likely than 3. The 3 cares about being admired and puts on a mask, but it isn't to take care of others needs or please them, really.
    That could still be the case; she said that she feels insecure she just didn't make the explicit link. That would be a good reason for wearing a mask.

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