hmm..well that's a tough one, one thing is for sure that even if I am sometimes oblivious to social convention, I don't like to be the "black sheep". I am not doing it in a concious manner( is my unconcious function) to be different or from idyosincratic motives, like the INTps do (oops, I guess, correct me if I'm wrong, and if so it would be because Fe is the PoLR of INTps, the weakest concious function)
for an INTj it just happens unconciously and then of course I feel weird if I am constrained to follow those social norms, for the simple fact that I am required to use my weak function Fe and of course one would feel happier when he/she is put in conditions that require the use of the ego block (the 2 best developed functions), in my case + . For example this forum, it makes me happy because it requires heavy use of the two functions I stated