Ok, this is a long thread.

I was an ENFP as a child. I loved acting, drawing, building huge Lego cities, etc. I was a very creative child (I won countless drawing competitions as well as the design competition in Legoland).

Anyhow, my stupid parents dragged me from a European country where I had spent my childhood to live 5 years in MEXICO. Yes, they even decided to put me in the smallest state school possible, where no one had ever heard of a continent called Europe. I had a deep crisis because as you may know, ENFP people want to be liked, and here was I defying authority in a third world country. This landed me massive problems, and I almost committed suicide because I wanted to return to hippie Denmark.
Anyhow, my parents dragged me back to school, and I changed personality forever. As a survival mechanism I became a straight A student. I then went onto winning several academic decathlon competitions in Mexico, which led me to visit former President Fox.
Anyhow, I returned to Europe after 5 years. I was a completely different person. Sharp, analytical, non-creative.
I attended an international school to finish my high school, because I simply did not fit in in Europe anymore (I got so tanned, and my hair went dark, so the Danes now think I am a foreigner. I have been subjected to racist remarks countless times). I graduated top of my year.
I am now at Oxford (England) studying chemistry. Only now do I realise that I have been forced to change from an ENFP personality to an INFP personality. I am in a deep crisis, as to whether I should drop out and pursue another career (I would like to be a comic book artist, or maybe an architect).
Outside university term, I live in a scandinavian country. I am short, "ugly" and "foreign-looking) in terms of Scandinavian standards (everyone here is tall, blonde, strongly built), and people do not pay attention to me. As you may know, ENFP love attention (which I had as a kid) but now I seek refuge because I am never the centre of attention. I even have trouble finding summer jobs because employers doubt that I am Danish (ironically, I have an A in Danish literature at high school level).

What to do? As an ENFP by nature I am not particularly gifted at exact sciences like chemistry, and I do not think I would make a great scientist.