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    Quote Originally Posted by tereg View Post
    I think this post is the clearest example I can find of her being an E-type Two.

    Reading this instantly reminded me of this:

    Edit: And to some extent this:
    i didn't read those links, but i realized that too when i reread it.

    one "thing" i have that i don't believe the descriptions of 2s say is that i respect other people's way of being.

    for instance, wp hates bubbly over the top trying to get him enthusiasticness. i would very intuitively pick up on that the INSTANT i met him and would respect that he wouldn't like that and so i wouldn't do that with him. i observe and then respond with what i feel is appropriate to that person's energy and needs and desires within them.

    my "idea" of a 2 was always kind of a person who doesn't recognize that in others and is just bubbly and pushy without paying attention to what is really going on with the other in regards to their behavior toward them.

    this, again, is what i do: i observe and then respond with what i feel is appropriate to that person's energy and needs and desires within them.

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    Quote Originally Posted by dbmmama View Post
    i didn't read those links, but i realized that too when i reread it.

    one "thing" i have that i don't believe the descriptions of 2s say is that i respect other people's way of being.

    for instance, wp hates bubbly over the top trying to get him enthusiasticness. i would very intuitively pick up on that the INSTANT i met him and would respect that he wouldn't like that and so i wouldn't do that with him. i observe and then respond with what i feel is appropriate to that person's energy and needs and desires within them.

    my "idea" of a 2 was always kind of a person who doesn't recognize that in others and is just bubbly and pushy without paying attention to what is really going on with the other in regards to their behavior toward them.

    this, again, is what i do: i observe and then respond with what i feel is appropriate to that person's energy and needs and desires within them.

    Sexual 2 - Seeking Intimacy/Intensity
    • Udit Patel Craving Intimacy (Ichazo's "Aggression")

      Sexual Twos feel that they will feel loved by attaining complete, profound intimacy with someone. Thus they are driven to be as close to their loved ones as possible. They attempt to win a place with people by focusing intensely on the other's needs, hopes, and interests. They enjoy the process of learning about potential partners and make it their business to become acquainted with the other's world. It is as if the Sexual Two was seeking to get "in synch" with the other in as many different ways as possible. Similarly, the Sexual Two will enjoy finding out what the other likes, whether it is a favorite food, cologne, style of music, or favorite place for vacationing. Needless to say, Sexual Twos will then do their best to provide these things for their intimates. Moreover, most people love to be the center of attention, and Sexual Twos know this, lavishing the other with attention, affection, and praise. In this sense, they are seductive-getting others interested in spending time with them by making the other their object of adoration. Sexual Twos also like to touch and be touched by the people they are drawn to, often initiating physical contact in a relationship—even in a friendship. When less balanced, Sexual Twos can become obsessed with a lover and can have great difficulty letting go of a relationship.
    • LifeExplore

      Tend to act seductive and aggressive by turns. Basic interest is in finding romantic union. Generally confuse sexual desirability with being loved and valued. Act receptively interested in others, use inviting touches. May ooze some combination of charm and sexuality. When they encounter resistance will begin to push and challenge. Try to find a way around the other's objection. May go militant and angrily blame (connection to 8). Behind these flare-ups is a melancholy desire for total enmeshed connectedness to another. Yearning is related to the low side of 4.
    Last edited by tereg; 08-18-2008 at 05:39 PM. Reason: bolded for emphasis

    9w1 sp/sx

  3. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by tereg View Post
    I think this post is the clearest example I can find of her being an E-type Two.

    Reading this instantly reminded me of this:

    Edit: And to some extent this:
    oh no! that video is my sis' mother in law! that's not me. lol i don't accomodate PHYSICALLY, i accomodate EMOTIONALLY for the other person's emotional and spiritual well being, potential, self esteem, etc........and i'm not like that all of the time, just when i feel the need for it within the other person.

  4. #44
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    And not to derail further, Ezra's video is brilliant. Brilliant.

    9w1 sp/sx

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    + 9.32883.489329.278782.0000040000400077777777777777 0004.2

  6. #46
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    Sexual 2 - Seeking Intimacy/Intensity
    Udit Patel Craving Intimacy (Ichazo's "Aggression")

    Sexual Twos feel that they will feel loved by attaining complete, profound intimacy with someone. Thus they are driven to be as close to their loved ones as possible. They attempt to win a place with people by focusing intensely on the other's needs, hopes, and interests. They enjoy the process of learning about potential partners and make it their business to become acquainted with the other's world. It is as if the Sexual Two was seeking to get "in synch" with the other in as many different ways as possible. Similarly, the Sexual Two will enjoy finding out what the other likes, whether it is a favorite food, cologne, style of music, or favorite place for vacationing. Needless to say, Sexual Twos will then do their best to provide these things for their intimates. Moreover, most people love to be the center of attention, and Sexual Twos know this, lavishing the other with attention, affection, and praise. In this sense, they are seductive-getting others interested in spending time with them by making the other their object of adoration. Sexual Twos also like to touch and be touched by the people they are drawn to, often initiating physical contact in a relationship—even in a friendship. When less balanced, Sexual Twos can become obsessed with a lover and can have great difficulty letting go of a relationship.


    Tend to act seductive and aggressive by turns. Basic interest is in finding romantic union. Generally confuse sexual desirability with being loved and valued. Act receptively interested in others, use inviting touches. May ooze some combination of charm and sexuality. When they encounter resistance will begin to push and challenge. Try to find a way around the other's objection. May go militant and angrily blame (connection to 8). Behind these flare-ups is a melancholy desire for total enmeshed connectedness to another. Yearning is related to the low side of 4.

    (i still haven't figured out how to quote a quote) anyway,

    the bold parts are me.

    the other part in the top portion is not me. i do not believe EVERYONE likes to be the center of attention and then i help make them it. YUCK. i READ the other's energy for what THEY want, not what i believe they want or i want them to want.

    i am not an initiator, i respond to the energy i feel/sense in another person. it actually bugs the shit out of me to watch other moms who don't do that and push THEIR way on their kids when their individual kid, to me obviously, did not want the behavior of what the mom was doing that way.

  7. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by unefille View Post
    I just went and looked it up on Urban Dictionary as well and all the other definitions were about the sound women make during intercourse/orgasm. I see I'm going to have to be a lot more careful with my language from now on. :S
    Hahaha, yeah, I was thinking about posting that definition. I thought it was quite good.

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    Quote Originally Posted by dbmmama View Post
    i didn't read those links, but i realized that too when i reread it.

    one "thing" i have that i don't believe the descriptions of 2s say is that i respect other people's way of being.

    for instance, wp hates bubbly over the top trying to get him enthusiasticness. i would very intuitively pick up on that the INSTANT i met him and would respect that he wouldn't like that and so i wouldn't do that with him. i observe and then respond with what i feel is appropriate to that person's energy and needs and desires within them.

    my "idea" of a 2 was always kind of a person who doesn't recognize that in others and is just bubbly and pushy without paying attention to what is really going on with the other in regards to their behavior toward them.

    this, again, is what i do: i observe and then respond with what i feel is appropriate to that person's energy and needs and desires within them.
    You would be 2w3 (with a strong 3 wing) rather than 2w1. Responsive to what others expect from you, rather than having a firm idea of what you should give others (and they should want from you). Did you identify as ENFj at any point? I know quite a few ENFj 2w3s for what it's worth. And my ENFj mother also could never be capable of typing herself, as she can't identify herself at all - she identifies with my personal descriptions, even with descriptions of my ISTp dad. She sees in herself a little of everything, in every positive quality - has this psychological need to be umlimited in her self-conception.
    3w4-1w2-5w4 sx/sp

  9. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by unefille View Post
    You would be 2w3 (with a strong 3 wing) rather than 2w1. Responsive to what others expect from you, rather than having a firm idea of what you should give others (and they should want from you). Did you identify as ENFj at any point? I know quite a few ENFj 2w3s for what it's worth. And my ENFj mother also could never be capable of typing herself, as she can't identify herself at all - she identifies with my personal descriptions, even with descriptions of my ISTp dad. She sees in herself a little of everything, in every positive quality - has this psychological need to be umlimited in her self-conception.
    bingo. and 2w3 sounds right on too. thank you. my only problem is thinking of an LSI as my duel. maybe it's because my idea of one is not accurate..... it may also be because i'm the more forceful one in my marriage. i'm the one that knocks sense into my "victimy" husband.

  10. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by dbmmama View Post
    i'm the one that knocks sense into my "victimy" husband.
    and i do mean literally too. i am the aggressor. it's not mean, it's just that i am the forceful one. i'm the one that gets people off their ass.

  11. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by dbmmama View Post
    and i do mean literally too. i am the aggressor. it's not mean, it's just that i am the forceful one. i'm the one that gets people off their ass.
    And if he is an ISFp, that would sort of make sense. You would be getting him off his ass with your EJ temperament and Fe+Ni/Se respectively and he would be the lazy ass "caregiving" or "victimy" (if he's an IEI) IP temperament husband. edit: And yeah, what unefille said...
    “Whether we fall by ambition, blood, or lust, like diamonds we are cut with our own dust.”

    Quote Originally Posted by Gilly
    You've done yourself a huge favor developmentally by mustering the balls to do something really fucking scary... in about the most vulnerable situation possible.

  12. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by unefille View Post
    I would never describe my mother as a pushover, only the opposite. For the longest time, I was convinced she was in fact ISTj, simply because of the way she would push and push at me. Eventually, I pried the functions apart enough to realise that whilst she was VERY Se-valuing, she was in fact using Fe to get me to do things. She's always trying to get me and dad to DO things - she very much runs the household. We sort of just tolerate her mad energy. In fact, that pushiness is what irritates Dad so much - she wants him to DO - she uses Fe to get him to give her Se and well, it just pretty fails and when it does work...let's just say it's not the Se she's looking for, since Se is in the ISTp's Id. Her lack of Te-valuing means there are a lot of things that need to be done right now, so she has to push us to do them.
    interesting. your parents are conflictors then. wow.

    i'm still a bit confused because although i can read people's emotions well, I'M the doer. i read their emotions and then do what my intuition tells me to do. i don't expect others to do, much. my husband is the one who "lightens" the mood while i'm the one taking whatever action is needed. my husband wants me to do and do i do. i enjoy his sense of humor while i am the one doing the physical stuff. again, i am the one who pushes his ass around. i am his drill sargeant. for the most part, i don't do that with the kids though, unless i see them not doing what is theirs to do.

  13. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by Winterpark View Post
    And if he is an ISFp, that would sort of make sense. You would be getting him off his ass with your EJ temperament and Fe+Ni/Se respectively and he would be the lazy ass "caregiving" or "victimy" (if he's an IEI) IP temperament husband. edit: And yeah, what unefille said...
    he is no caregiver, he's victim all the way.

  14. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by dbmmama View Post
    he is no caregiver, he's victim all the way.

    my husband wants me to do and do i do.
    and that's inline with it.

    You could be Beta NF mirrorz.
    “Whether we fall by ambition, blood, or lust, like diamonds we are cut with our own dust.”

    Quote Originally Posted by Gilly
    You've done yourself a huge favor developmentally by mustering the balls to do something really fucking scary... in about the most vulnerable situation possible.

  15. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by Winterpark View Post

    and that's inline with it.

    You could be Beta NF mirrorz.
    possibly. but his victim, i knock that shit out of him butt quick. and he appreciates it.

  16. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by unefille View Post
    Having conflicting parents under one roof who also work together has been an interesting experience. Their relationship is EXACTLY as socionics would predict, but you know, they're still together and most of the time, things run pretty smoothly.

    Mum does a lot of stuff. She'd like us to do more, but she does stuff. I'd say, too much. She gets me things and does things for me even when I say 'nah, it's ok, I'll do it.' But she's also 1w2, so she has rather rigid of ideas of how things should be, how to love someone properly. I love my mum, but it's not easy to get along with her for me. I could never be in a relationship with a 1w2 or a 2w1, I know that much now.

    I feel like I've completely sidetracked Ezra's thread...
    i have pretty rigid ideas of how things should be, always have. but mine are about allowing vs. making, when it comes to loving someone "properly." love itself is not about doing. if i put some kind of limitation on how to love someone properly, that would be conditional love. i am about unconditional love. and THEN taking actions from THAT place within myself. in every moment, that is going to look different than it did a moment before. i can only trust my inner knowing in that moment to tell me what to do, right then, from that place. and by doing it, i honor THAT, which i know always has been the thing that makes everything flow.....right into place.

    edit: i don't think ezra would mind. it's me that did/does it anyway...

  17. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by dbmmama View Post
    bingo. and 2w3 sounds right on too. thank you. my only problem is thinking of an LSI as my duel. maybe it's because my idea of one is not accurate..... it may also be because i'm the more forceful one in my marriage. i'm the one that knocks sense into my "victimy" husband.
    Think of your LSI dual not only as the one to motivate you, but also to motivate you in the most logical and efficient manner.

    For instance, when grocery shopping I formulate a logical plan. Over time I have made a list of the 30 most frequent items I purchase, and recorded the price of each item from the three closest shops. Each shop is very close to the other, so visiting more than one during a single trip is efficient. Based on my comparison list, and the list of essential items for the kitchen this week, I formulate a plan.

    Items 1,4, and 8 are cheaper at store A, and items 17, 20, and 29 are cheaper at store B. Therefore we will travel in a loop to store B then store A before returning home.

    I would also guess that you would not have to be "forceful" with your dual, and you could apply less Se to the relationship and more to the environment in getting things done.
    that is what i was getting at. if there is an inescapable appropriation that is required in the act of understanding, this brings into question the validity of socionics in describing what is real, and hence stubborn contradictions that continue to plague me.

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    Quote Originally Posted by dbmmama View Post
    edit: i don't think ezra would mind. it's me that did/does it anyway...
    Yeah, I've noticed you seem to do that quite a bit. I honestly don't mind, but I just find it interesting that you know how to get everyone to talk about your type by writing something about yourself.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ezra View Post
    Yeah, I've noticed you seem to do that quite a bit. I honestly don't mind, but I just find it interesting that you know how to get everyone to talk about your type by writing something about yourself.
    i don't do it on purpose. i did/do notice that i do it naturally though. whatever it is in me, when i want to know something "my type," sorry, but i'm GONNA find/figure it out. i don't "make" anyone ask me, but they do. and so, i answer them. it's not a conscious manipulation, but, shit, i guess it is manipulation of a sort. eeek.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ezra View Post
    Yeah, I've noticed you seem to do that quite a bit. I honestly don't mind, but I just find it interesting that you know how to get everyone to talk about your type by writing something about yourself.
    oh, a thought just hit me. everything everyone writes, says, does, etc. RELATES to me and my life in some way. and so, i make comments that go along with my observations of how things relate back to me and my world.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Mariano Rajoy View Post
    Think of your LSI dual not only as the one to motivate you, but also to motivate you in the most logical and efficient manner.

    For instance, when grocery shopping I formulate a logical plan. Over time I have made a list of the 30 most frequent items I purchase, and recorded the price of each item from the three closest shops. Each shop is very close to the other, so visiting more than one during a single trip is efficient. Based on my comparison list, and the list of essential items for the kitchen this week, I formulate a plan.

    Items 1,4, and 8 are cheaper at store A, and items 17, 20, and 29 are cheaper at store B. Therefore we will travel in a loop to store B then store A before returning home.

    I would also guess that you would not have to be "forceful" with your dual, and you could apply less Se to the relationship and more to the environment in getting things done.
    problem with this theory is that it's ME that does that logical shit. and i AM THE ONE who does all of the Se to our environment to get things done. i don't give him Se so much as i do Se. i just do things, everything actually.

  22. #62
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    Quote Originally Posted by dbmmama View Post
    i don't do it on purpose.
    I know you don't.

    Quote Originally Posted by dbmmama View Post
    oh, a thought just hit me. everything everyone writes, says, does, etc. RELATES to me and my life in some way. and so, i make comments that go along with my observations of how things relate back to me and my world.
    Yeah, my brother applies the same technique (in certain situations) which I believe you're applying (and which you've just explained so please don't ask "what technique?" or something stupid like that).

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    Heh, it tickles my HA (to understand) for sure.

    If your sea chart does not match reality, go with reality (Old mariner saying)

  24. #64
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ezra View Post
    I know you don't.

    Yeah, my brother applies the same technique (in certain situations) which I believe you're applying (and which you've just explained so please don't ask "what technique?" or something stupid like that).
    silly, i knew what you meant. that's more in line with my sis' way...

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