EIE's I have a hard time with it seems. One in particular, who I considered SEI for for a second and then remembered how she was completely void of what I think of Si to be. I know its very general, but someone with Si ego would generally know how to make themselves comfortable right? Physically, aesthetically? And wouldn't show high signs of stress in those area's? Someone with Si-ego would just naturally be able to maintain that sort of thing, I'd imagine. And this person couldn't.

Not to mention, the other SEI's I know I generally get on with pretty well, with me occasionally getting squinting reactions to Fe outbursts, depending on my mood. Usually I'm pretty relaxed and am just surprised and humored by the silly outbursts...and SOMEtimes I'll attempt to use those tactics around different people to see how it works...I usually feel kind of ridiculous afterwards though and I just shrug it off by stating that I'm insane anyways, as if that explains away every weird social experiment I do.

It's hard to pick a relational one, seeing as I'm having a type crisis atm.

Umm, I've had slight issues with ESE's, but not from my being the one upset. They get upset with me generally. Feeling threatened and lashing out leaving me confused as to how they got to that point. I've only known 2 on a close basis....the others I typed off-hand, seeing as I used to see tons of different people daily...a lot of them returning (customers) so I'd slowly be able to pick more and more up about them.

I've had slight issues with SLE's when it comes to who is in the right when it comes to what ((I)) SHOULD or SHOULDN'T do or the right or wrong way to do it. We just don't seem to understand each others explanations of why each other is wrong...like it just goes completely over each others heads. I should mention that they don't tend to see it that way, and I admit I convince myself that I know what the mean too. We both end up thinking that we won, while the other lost. Both at the same time, lol.

I havn't had much contact with Delta types so thats hard to say anything about. I feel like I could potentially have issues with EII's, if they were too submissive. However, like I said, I don't actually know any....I just know random things I hear about them around here.

ILE's, we butt heads on ideas constantly, yet keep things pretty "light" about it and don't really hold grudges. If it gets sour, it's usually because I'm fed up and not in the mood for nonsense. Sometimes their random rants about strange far-out ideas bore the crap out of me, and I have 0 interest in the subject matter so I'll zone out and unintentionally ignore them while they are talking. I still really like them though, heh.

The types I don't really know any of are...LII, LSE, ILI, EII, IEE, SLI (well, I have quite a few online SLI friends but Im hesitant to include them because I havn't met them in person)...and I knew very few LIE, ESE, LSI.