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    Default Vincent Gallo

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    A picture of him would help to determine his type.

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    I believe this is the guy:

    judging by the photos plus a few sentences I read about him here I think he 's a possible ISTp or ESTp.
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    My guess would be ISTp.
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    We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...

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    Heh, he's from Buffalo, too! That movie he made about Bflo a few years ago revealed his true feelings.

    istp seems right

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    I saw that no one replied to your thread. I'd like to help you but I haven't got the foggiest idea who that guy is. Sorry.

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    By appearance he looks somewhat like an istp friend of mine. Looking at his biography he is extemely busy. He directs, acts, writes, plays in a band, paints, and on and on. I thought istps were more concervative of their energies. This guy is all over the place. The things he's involved in could be considered pursutes and istp might enjoy though. More comments, anybody...?

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    Snomunegot munenori2's Avatar
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    Default Vincent Gallo

    Couldn't find any good interviews or clips from Buffalo 66.
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    Socionix gallery has him as LII, and after watching a few interviews I'm inclined to agree. He's very bizarre and I find him hilarious xD.

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    socionix gallery without concrete author is funny, and pretty lame as other I saw

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    you can go to where your heart is Galen's Avatar
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    Even without looking at the gallery, he looks IJ and Ti as all hell.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    socionix gallery without concrete author is funny, and pretty lame as other I saw
    O ya I'm by no means saying the gallery is normally accurate, just seems to be so in this case

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    I saw him in the movie Stranded. It was the greatest film ever. Everyone should watch it.

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    Okay. I really have no idea what type this person is. I kind of really doubt LII though. Maybe an Fi quadra or an Se quadra or possibly both?

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    Stop being Ashtons tool and blindly qouting Socion"IX" type lists to all those that did.

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    If left to chance, each typing in the gallery has a 6.25% chance of being correct (so at the very least it's above 0%). Assuming that quoting the times it is correct is "parroting" without considering the context is ignorant. Therefore, stop being ignorant.

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    What was that bullshit noise? Too many people say mindless typings without any explanation, of course exceptions for well established ones make sense because we already have a databank of information on them. New typings for people like Gallow (the only other place he shows up is the socionix gallery under Ne-intj) should be vetted through explanation not parroting which is the definition of what happened here. And no I don't believe in VI as a sole reputable method, its always done in context. You didn't offer any explanation you just got butthurt over Socionix. It's rare to see Galen having a different opinion than ashton and to deny the socionix group think is ignorance.
    Last edited by jughead; 04-08-2011 at 04:23 AM. Reason: grammar nazi

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    Socionix group think is irrelevant to me, as I do not participate in it. Taking my lack of explanation as evidence for parroting is jumping to conclusions. I saw the typing at the gallery. I watched a number of interviews, and related to a number of things Gallo said. This does not make Gallo LII but I would be withholding information if I didn't confess my acceptance of the typing. You need to learn to judge things on a case by case basis (ie quit generalizing)

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    I don't know exactly how to pin him down yet. Where I want to place him is as an alpha NT or beta ST. Ti ego. There's a sharpness to him, an edge, that's intense enough to be almost painful, but there's a vulnerability behind it like he's not asking for approval, but he needs to be loved. It's a weird way to describe it, but it's the sort of vibe I get. Granted, my only exposure to him is Buffalo 66 where this is pretty much the theme of it. I would give an edge to alpha, though I thought he could be Ti-ENTp tbh.
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    Quote Originally Posted by munenori2 View Post
    I don't know exactly how to pin him down yet. Where I want to place him is as an alpha NT or beta ST. Ti ego. There's a sharpness to him, an edge, that's intense enough to be almost painful, but there's a vulnerability behind it like he's not asking for approval, but he needs to be loved. It's a weird way to describe it, but it's the sort of vibe I get. Granted, my only exposure to him is Buffalo 66 where this is pretty much the theme of it. I would give an edge to alpha, though I thought he could be Ti-ENTp tbh.
    I remember when I was typing him long ago, I found it hard to decide between ISTj and INTj for him. I was initially convinced of ISTj because he seemed 'forceful'. But then I realized that was a bad criteria to go off of, and that he was sort of um… fragile or something, I think similar to what you're kind of describing. Not that ISTjs can't be too, but the quality of this is different.

    Here, let's try an interview with Gallo…

    Q. So what should we talk about?

    V. What should we talk about? I don’t know, I really have nothing to say anymore, this is already uncomfortable. I’m talking to a journalist. I feel the pain coming already. The brutal pain, when one day I should read your edit of whatever I say, because no matter what I say, no matter how I say it, no matter it’s tone, it’s frequency range, it’s decibel level or the way in which I put the words together, no matter my intentions and no matter the truth, what I’ll read one day will be a chastised, manipulated abortion of your misunderstandings, your manipulations, your agenda and your amateur use of the English language.

    Q. How can I do that if this is a Question and Answer?

    V. You’ll edit out the questions that I give answers to that you don’t like or YOU don’t feel are important or that offend YOU or offend anyone who controls your magazine. I will also be stuck answering your questions. Besides, the best interview of Vincent Gallo was done by Vincent Gallo. The best articles about Vincent Gallo were written by Vincent Gallo, the best acting performance of Vincent Gallo was directed and edited by Vincent Gallo from a screenplay written by Vincent Gallo, even the best photographs of Vincent Gallo were taken by Vincent Gallo. So you see, this is painful for me.

    Q. This is why my first question was, what do you want to talk about?, because I don’t have an agenda here.

    V. Let’s talk about what a wonderful president George Bush has been so far. Let’s talk about how ridiculous handicap parking is. Let’s talk about why the Puertoricans think they need to have a parade down fifth avenue. Or for that matter why the gays do too. Why isn’t the Veterans Day parade down fifth avenue? The people who secure our nation get a couple blocks in Brooklyn while the fags and spics get Fifth Avenue. Let’s talk about revenge.

    Q. That was at the top of my list. It’s a recurrent theme of yours, maybe Buffalo 66 was some sort of revenge on your parents?

    V. I’m clearly a small-minded person, with my own petty grievances. Hopefully, my work transcends my own petty grievances and small-minded nature. It’s best for me to remain small-minded on an emotional level and broad-minded on a conceptual level. It doesn’t matter whatever it is that makes me do my work. Neurosis, obsession, wanting people to like me, wanting my parents to feel bad for underrating me, making a lot of money, power, social status, wanting girls to like me or just to meet one girl on a job. All of this doesn’t matter as long as the work that I do to achieve these small-minded needs is a lot more interesting than me and my reasons for making it.

    Q. Was Buffalo 66 autobiographical then?

    V. Not at all, it’s a very conceptual film with a lot of attention and focus put on its aesthetic sensibility. Although, the characters of the mother and father are very much like my mother and father, they could have been like anybody’s parents. The concept was to invent two fictional characters that wind up in my parent’s house. Here’s the point; I feel that when you or anyone else refers to that film as "autobiographical" what you are really doing is creating a sense or an idea that I didn’t really write the script. It sort of wrote itself. And since I am playing myself, I’m not really acting and since I’m not really acting and the script wrote itself then the film sort of directs itself. Well, it wasn’t autobiographical, it’s a real screenplay and a real performance and a real soundtrack.

    Q. About this small-mindedness, I’m curious how do you transcend that? How do you take your head out of this small-minded space to create?

    V. You mean, how can I create when I’m focused on petty grievances how can I then pull away from that pettiness? And think about more broad-minded things? Well it’s an old habit from childhood, I lived in a very petty environment that I had to deal with but I always thought of things outside that environment. I’ve developed the capacity to go back and forth from being easy to antagonize and easily made to feel poorly to thinking in a very focused way about way bigger more conceptual things. Or spending a lot of time focusing on aesthetics. Did you hear my record?

    Q. Yes, I thought it was beautiful.

    V. Well, I only spent about six hours of actual recording but the whole album took about two years to make. Most of the time was spent inventing the studio. I had already spent twenty years collecting rare equipment, begging difficult people to fix it in a special way which is always against the way that they want to do it. Because I have to have it done in a certain way. And so most of the time I’m screaming and yelling and throwing things and begging people to sell me things and begging them to fix them the right way and I’m getting depressed because someone fucks it up. He fucks it up and then he fucks it up and one day it works and I record a song (hums a few bars). And then something brakes again and then I’m back in my bad groove again, so the energy around that recording was very unpleasant, very uneasy, very hectic, very painful, very aggressive and violent and unhappy and angry and desperate, really desperate as if every single thing meant everything, every detail meant so much. The type of cable, the color of the cable. I wanted all the power lines to be red and all the microphone cables to be black and all the patch cables to be brown. There was one patch cable that was black, it bugged me so much…it was on a weekend, those kind of stores are closed on Saturday and Sunday so I stopped recording until I changed it on Monday. I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I don’t know. Ever since my psychiatrist died over a year ago, I have not been doing well.

    Q. You’re serious. You wouldn’t lie to me, right?

    V. No, I wouldn’t lie, especially about that. I had a very good doctor named Malcolm Hill. Smartest guy in the world. I saw him for about twelve years. Well, maybe I didn’t go for about three years of it, from work and things. About a year and a half ago his office was closed one day, for no reason. Couple weeks later, someone finally returned my messages and told me he was sick. A month after that, there was an announcement on his answering machine notifying everybody that he had passed away. I never felt such a loss from anyone’s death in my life. No one else’s death could feel that bad to me. At the time of his death, I was also having a difficult time in my relationship with my girlfriend. It was the most serious relationship of my life, she was the love of my life, and our problems were coming from things that are difficult to explain. And eventually, my relationship with my girlfriend ended. I haven’t been doing well at all because I don’t have a constant relationship where I can talk about what I’m thinking, and how I’m feeling and how I’m acting.

    Q. You could just do interviews.

    V. No, you don’t understand, when I talk to my psychiatrist Dr. Hill, it never felt bad in the end. It always feels bad in the end doing an interview. Always.

    Q. Is there any room for pleasantness in your life?

    V. I have more fun, and I have more things that I like and care about than anyone else I know. But I also have more things that make me feel unpleasant. I remember when I was 16 years old and I moved to New York City, I met this square girl and one day went to her house to try and fuck her and stuff. She was very pretty and clean and nice and she was older. She introduced me to some of her boring college friends who were going to Brown University. At 16, I already owned 4,500 albums. Some of them, I worked whole summers to buy. I loved my records, 4,500 records is tons of music to like. One day, I go on this trip with this girl and her friends; it’s the late seventies, the beginning of really bad radio on the East Coast. We’re all driving in a car and the radio is blasting some shitty music. I make a few comments about the music and begged them to change the channel, telling them; "this crappy song is killing me". They all gave me dirty looks and one of them says; "you’re so negative, you don’t like anything". And I thought to myself, "I don’t like anything?"…I spent every penny I ever made in my life on records, and because I’m not satisfied with main stream radio, I’m negative?

    Q. Does your beautiful white dog have a name?

    V. No, she has no name. I thought of calling her ‘The only girl who has never lied to me yet’.

    Q. Speaking of your dog and this new LP, I was wondering if there’s any story about the song called Laura.

    V. No.

    Q. What about ‘My beautiful white dog’?

    V. I gave the song that title because I wanted her to be included. I didn’t even have her when I made the song. Though sometimes I’ll start off making work by beginning with a good title.

    Q. Can you trust anyone?

    V. No.

    Q. How did you take Joey Ramone’s death?

    V. Johnny Ramone is my best friend. Johnny and Joey had not been friendly or speaking for fifteen years. So I never got to know Joey. Anyway, Deedee was my favorite in the band and Tommy seemed to be the brains of the band, Marky sucked. Joey Ramone though was clearly one of the most original singers of all time. And he was the sweetest guy. And his death is very sad.

    I know some people have a habit of wanting to type any seemingly 'edgy' or 'controversial' person as β, but you guys need to knock that shit off. You know who you are; please stop living under rocks.

    A few things I notice that make me think INTj > ISTj:

    - He's demonstratively quite negative in what he expresses, which makes me lean Negativist > Positivist.
    - Various eccentric hobbies such as having a 4,500+ record collection and accumulation of rare studio equipment.
    - Seems rather 'whiny' to me; explaining his turmoils in depth and how nothing is good enough for him, etc. While I suspect that some of this is an exaggerated persona he's intentionally cultivated, I also suspect it partially reflects a personal reality of him too.
    - His word choice and phrasings suggest a cognitive orientation that's fairly removed from the contents of direct experience. His emphasis seems to be more on abstracting events rather than describing them.

    While in any typing, no single indicator in isolation is enough to suggest much of anything per se—I think a collation of indices can. And in this case, points towards INTj > ISTj.

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    ew. he seems like a douche from that interview.

    i wouldn't expect that sort of dramatic, arrogant, pretentiousness from an LII i guess because i tend to associate those traits with Fe+Se? idfk. as long as he's not in my quadra. boo.

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    i really don't understand why he would have to be Ti rather than Fi in values. although if he were Fi in values i think he'd have to be gamma (he is just not a delta).

    i think he's a rather spiteful individual who holds petty grievances as he put it against those who he feels have wronged him or who he doesn't like for some reason and thinks of as assholes and he seems to be very clear on who he doesn't like and who he does. i'm kind of wondering if he is a Te type.

    also this kind of thing further gives me Fi vibes: " And eventually, my relationship with my girlfriend ended. I haven’t been doing well at all because I don’t have a constant relationship where I can talk about what I’m thinking, and how I’m feeling and how I’m acting."

    the one thing in there i'm not sure about is how horribly anal he is apparently about aesthetics (like what color a cable is). i guess i could see trying to associate that with Ti maybe. although perhaps it's actually just kind of autistic (not that i'm saying he's autistic) but i've observed people with aspergers being really particular about little details and then getting lost in those processes to the extent that they can't get anywhere with the bigger picture of what is to be accomplished and what just doesn't matter (becoming increasingly anal and unable to pull themselves out of it).

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    Quote Originally Posted by laghlagh View Post
    ew. he seems like a douche from that interview.
    Well, bear in mind that its an exaggerated persona; not that it doesn't contain partial truths about him IMO.

    That being said, while I do find him pretty funny at times, I don't think I'd want to be his friend lol.

    i wouldn't expect that sort of dramatic, arrogant, pretentiousness from an LII i guess because i tend to associate those traits with Fe+Se? idfk. as long as he's not in my quadra. boo.
    You do realize that relegating drama/arrogance/pretentiousness as symptoms of β quadra, is no better than when Kramer and other ENTps relegate conformity/moralism/tradition as symptoms of , right?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ashton View Post
    Well, bear in mind that its an exaggerated persona; not that it doesn't contain partial truths about him IMO.

    You do realize that relegating drama/arrogance/pretentiousness as symptoms of β quadra, is no better than when Kramer and other ENTps relegate conformity/moralism/tradition as symptoms of , right?
    ya, the fact that its obviously an exaggerated persona is a large part of what bothers me.

    as for the drama thing...i think you might be right but i don't really see me sharing my associations any different than you saying Ne)Se because he seems "whiny" to you. i didn't present it as a statement of obvious socionics truth as kramer did so i don't think its the same. we could sit around talking about aspects all day but eventually you have to point to some kind of observable quality even if perception and interpretation muddle things in the process. if some better way was clear to me i would be all for it. maybe i should say i see internal dynamics in his eyes?

  25. #25
    you can go to where your heart is Galen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jughead View Post
    It's rare to see Galen having a different opinion than ashton and to deny the socionix group think is ignorance.
    I also tend to agree with Riddy's typings, and Eunice's typings, as well as with a lot of other people who I talk about Socionics with on a regular basis. Since when is collusion and dialectic a bad thing? We're all constantly learning and sharing information with each other, which is how everything is supposed to be learned. If you just develop your ideas without checking them with anything else, then what good is it to study anything?

    Also Gallo in profile kinda looks like niffweed. Make of that what you will.

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    Quote Originally Posted by laghlagh View Post
    ya, the fact that its obviously an exaggerated persona is a large part of what bothers me.

    as for the drama thing...i think you might be right but i don't really see me sharing my associations any different than you saying Ne)Se because he seems "whiny" to you. i didn't present it as a statement of obvious socionics truth as kramer did so i don't think its the same.
    Well yeah, when I said whiny I meant it only figuratively (hence the ' marks around it) and subjectively—i.e., a perception insofar as how he comes off to me personally.

    we could sit around talking about aspects all day but eventually you have to point to some kind of observable quality even if perception and interpretation muddle things in the process. if some better way was clear to me i would be all for it.
    Right. And I know how difficult it is to mitigate bias in how this stuff gets conveyed, but I think its worth pursuing. Because the lack of clarity obviously causes a lot of problems.

    maybe i should say i see internal dynamics in his eyes?

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    Quote Originally Posted by poli View Post
    What's the socionics gallery?
    New kind of sport: to gather photos/names of people and write >70% of wrong types near them.

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