Quote Originally Posted by BulletsAndDoves View Post
Like most dorks that read too much in high school, I wanted nothing more than this epic powerful old man to come and teach me what an amazing white mage I am... to rescue me from my well-meaning but restricted parents. People that are actually fascinating fascinate me (well, duh lol) and I actually want to be them. Heroes are so important don't you think?

I relate strongly with the loser essence... of the underdogs. Of knowing you can win and make everybody happy but you still don't decide to show up. But there comes a time when I know I will have to fight and it bothers me. Because I will be finished. And even though it will be beautiful I don't want to die yet. It's not my time. I'm cookie dough, I'm not done baking. I don't want to live, but I don't... want to die anymore. Maybe that's something.
Wow, Beta ftw.

Or maybe I am gay...