On my type test it reconised "NOT Extrovert NOT Introvert" as a contradiction. It has never occured to me that there was no in between.
Is this view wacked?
On my type test it reconised "NOT Extrovert NOT Introvert" as a contradiction. It has never occured to me that there was no in between.
Is this view wacked?
In socionics, to be an extrovert or introvert means only to have either an extroverted function - or an introverted one - as your first function.
In your case, as ESFj, your 1st function is Fe, Extroverted Feeling and your 2nd is Si, Introverted Sensing.
Since you can have only one 1st function, then in Socionics either you are an extrovert or an introvert, with no in between.
But that does not necessarily correlate well with traditional definitions of extroversion or introversion in terms of perceptions by self and others.
, LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
Originally Posted by implied
The term for both is ambivert. The line is fine and quite honestly I do not think it matters all that much. Yay for pluralism and multiple ways to charge your preferences.
As expat said, in socionics there is no middle ground.
However, when we go by the social definitions of introversion and extroversion there's no reason why you can't be both, neither or somewhere in between. We're allowed to be contradictory, we're human :wink:
Which is why I think dual systems in psychology are flawed lol. Multiple causality is le pwn.
they're transposeable
If that's your score, then they're crossed.
It's like saying you believe yourself to not be part of the world, but instead to see the world as part of you. Relative to Jung's psychology, the object (which is the focus of psychic energy) and the subject (the source of the energy) are misidentified.
But that's relative to Jung. Just take care of yourself.
Well that makes it clearer, lol.
Does this mean you can be a quiet extrovert or outgoing introvert?
Yes, Introvertism (Is that a word?) and extrovertism are defined to be where one derives energy from, not how outgoing or restrained they are.
Look at me, Rylix, you see how hyperactive I am sometimes :wink:Originally Posted by Rylix
*leaves a trail of destruction*
(I'm an introvert btw :wink: )
I come across as an extrovert to some people because I'm kind of noisy. But the whole engaging with reality is exhausting and after socialising or large amounts of sensory indulgence etc. I need to retreat inside my own mind and be alone to "recharge".
An extrovert (I imagine) would be more exhausted from introspection and would socialise etc. in order to recharge.
not really. i was responding to both people at onceOriginally Posted by gugu_ baba
Thats completly revolutionised my way of thinking, lol.
But isn't there a connection between the two, being an introvert does really has no influence on your level of outgoingness? And if you are an introvert does not necessarily mean you are restrained a bit when socializing with others?Originally Posted by Zeia
BTW it's introversion and extroversion (I guess):wink:
Socializing actively requires directing your energy and attention outwardly, so it would be somewhat draining for an introvert (if the introvert is having to take much initiative). Therefore, introverts might be inclined to be less social in the traditional sense. I don't think it makes them any less desirous of social contact. Humans by their nature are social creatures.Originally Posted by gugu_ baba
Right. Introverts can hang out with each other for hours by exchanging ideas that they have formulated on their own. However, their "hanging out" must be by an activity from which they can all generate their own unique perspectives. When Introverts begin to sense that they aren't generating their own ideas, they begin getting really cranky....Originally Posted by niveK
Right. Probably that's why there are so many introverts on this forum. Because we like to generate and share our own ideas that we create mostly by introspection
That's so true! If I'm not getting the right kind of stimulation I get that 2nd-wind type of adrenaline rush and go really hyperactive. If I don't use the physical energy I'll fall asleep.Originally Posted by tcaudilllg
Outgoing Introverts is one thing, what about people who "gain energy" from being around, and love other people (Extroverts) who often find themselves at home or alone? (References to self)
Extroverts. I am like that, too.Originally Posted by Rylix
Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit
I sometimes wonder if I am introvert or extrovert. I spend quite a lot of time alone. I need time alone to get anything "useful" done. When I'm with people I'm always socialising and chatting endlessly. At some point I just need to get up and lock myself to a room without windows to do my work or studies etc.