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"but the judging half of the quadra has a different "foreign quadra" preference that the perceiving half?"
I disagree with this part because it doesn't make sense in terms of relationships. For example, members of adjacent quadras contain supervisors, supervisees, benefactors, and beneficiaries. It is not possible for a type to have better compatibility with say, their supervisee than their supervisor, because a relationship between a type and their either their supervisor or supervisee is the *exact same socionic relationship.* Different types might be involved but the relationship dynamic is the same. I mean, there might be 16 types, but there are only *14* relationships.
Well, I did a quick mock up with an INTj and an ENTp, to look at their interaction with the adjacent quadras.
INTj's beta relations were: Benefit, Illusionary, Supervisory,
ESFj's beta relations were: Benefit, Illusionary, Supervisory,
ENTp's beta relations were: Benefit, Illusionary, Supervisory,
ISFp's beta relations were: Benefit, Illusionary, Supervisory,
INTj's delta relations were: Benefit, Illusionary, Supervisory,
ESFJ's delta relations were: Benefit, Illusionary, Supervisory,
ENTp's delta relations were: Benefit, Supervisory, Semi-Dual,
ISFp's delta relations were: Benefit, Supervisory, Semi-Dual,
Similar for each type in Alpha, but not the same.
But anyway, I'm wondering if one prefers to interact with their beneficiary, or their benefactor? Or if one prefers their supervisor over their supervisee?
It seems that beneficiaries get comfortable around the benefactors, even with the conflict.. but that's all i've seen. I don't have any working conclusions about the other three ways relations of benefit could take shape.
Is Look-A-Like better than comparative? Is Semi-Duality better than Illusionary?