Quote Originally Posted by Anonymous
yeah some 7th or 8th functions are labelled as 2nd functions.

I like the new description of an ENFP and it makes me wonder if I'm an INFP. That description explains a lot actually, when I was younger my imagination was fueled from within, but now it has to be fueled from the outside world, ehh that sucks...

The weird thing is INTP and INTJ switched compared to MBTI and INFP and INFJ switched as well. Why is that so? I don't know which one to believe, since both the MBTI and socionics are speculation, but if Ni is the true INTP function and Ti is the true INTJ main function, they basically switched places! I am so damn confused, it contradicts everything I believed before!!!!! AHHHHHH!!!!! GOES CRAZY and jumps over a cliff.......

but bounces back up due to bouncy springly shoes I picked up Santa's house... :wink:
1) MBTI and Socionics are not the same thing although they look similar. They don't translate into each other, they base the theory on different models.

You will notice:

Socionics ENFp: Ne Fi Se Ti (Si Te Ni Fe)

Socionics INFp: Ni Fe Si Te (Se Ti Ne Fi)

Socionics INFj: Fi Ne Ti Se (Te Si Fe Ni)

IN MBTI, they give you an extroverted perceiving function with an introverted perceiving function (same goes for the judging functions).

According the Model A (Socionics), the perceiving functions will either both be introverted or both be extroverted in the conscious block (the first 4 functions, I put the unconscious ones in brackets). You can't have both Ne and Si in your conscious block, it doesn't work that way.

Extroverts have the convenience of the stronger functions matching up (note the ENFp example).

Why don't the introverts match up? We come to...

2) The J and P "dichotomies" of MBTI and Socionics refer to completely different things.

MBTI J/P denotes which function the types uses to deal with the outside world - the extroverted function (which is even extroverted for introverts).

INF[P] - FiNe(extroverted perceiving)
INF[J] - NiFe(extroverted judging)

The J/P in Socionics refers to the first function - whether it is a perceiving or judging function.

The extrovert has an extroverted base function. The Exxj's first function is either Te or Fe. The Exxp's first function is either Se or Ne. For example:

ESTj = Te(extroverted judging)Si
ESTp = Se(extroverted perceiving)Ti.

The same thing applies to introverts, the difference being that the base function must be introverted. Ixxj's have Fi or Ti as the first function - Ixxp's have Ni or Si.

INFp = Ni(introverted perceiving)Fe.
INFj = Fi(introverted judging)Ne.

I hope that cleared things up for you a bit.