I'm recalling a past experience atm, and wanted to share it to see if anyone else has ever experienced this kind of thing.

I was leaving English class early one day last December, and I remember thinking about the book we were reading in class (can't remember exactly what book). I felt kinda "lost" in my own head, just contemplating things...I moved on from thinking about the book, on to the class in general, then on to my life in general and how things were going (I call it a "mental checkup"), when I realized that it had begun to snow. Now, I absolutely love snow; it gives me a kind of warm, fuzzy feeling inside that not many things give me. When I came to, I just stopped dead in my tracks and looked around the campus, and I had this overwhelming appreciation of how incredibly beautiful everything was at that very moment. In retrospect, it was almost like one of those moments in movies at the very end when everything is resolved, and they just look around and seem to be completely content with everything in the world; like that, only x10. The best way I can describe it is being "extremely content."

Looking back, I see this experience as a sort of Si "revelation;" it was an immediate appreciation of beauty "in the moment." My question to you strong N types is this: have you ever experienced this kind of drastic switch, from thinking really deeply about something and being completely in your head, to suddenly appreciating/realizing something about your immediate surroundings in such an intense way?