1. active will - first and fifth functions
2. authority - second and sixth functions
3. neurosis - third and seventh functions
4. phobia - fourth and eighth functions

Can someone perhaps explain the significance of these blocks? Until then, I have a small, general speculation that I would like to share.

I noticed that the 'phobia' block includes the fourth and eighth functions, and I've been thinking on how this works in the INTp. I know that the fourth function in the INTp, , causes us to develop a phobia of emotional conflict; I can smell a developing conflict a mile away, and I always try to get away from there before it develops any further. But then I was thinking about the eighth function, , and how it develops into a phobia. So, I came up with this:

The eighth function in introverts is a gateway into schizophrenic tendencies. I've experienced some very mild schizophrenia in the past, and the symptoms may have described an unhealthy . For example, I used to be afraid to walk into crowded rooms, because I thought that everyone could hear what I was thinking. When the room suddenly fell silent, I would stand there trying to fight off dark and dirty thoughts, thinking that someone might hear me.

I remember one certain INTj on this forum (I forget the guy's name) describing some schizophrenic tendencies he had in the past that may correspond with an unhealthy . He said that he used to think everything was connected in some way, and he would find the strangest patterns between occurences that have no meaning in reality. I would suspect that an INFj, since his eighth function is also , would have tendencies related to this, only more oriented towards people.

And then I wonder about INFps and ENTps and how this works in them. I know my INFp mother said that she often initially puts new people she meets in a negative view, as if perhaps they were out to get her. I don't know if this is a negative reaction of , maybe someone can clear this up?

Anyway, this should be interesting.

Your INTp friend,
