It seems natural that some types would be more inclined to feel comfortable in a domestic setting. For example, ENFjs seem to be born homemakers, with INTxs seem to be the type that never really gets into the whole domestic thing.

As for myself, I'm not exactly a great housekeeper... having the dishes sit in the sink for a few days is not at all unusual. I LOVE cooking, but lately I haven't been cooking just because I don't see the point in putting forth all that effort so I can eat alone. As far as errands... well, I get lazy about going grocery shopping and whatnot as often as I ought to as well. However, I moved in with my boyfriend 3 days after I turned 18. Other than the fact that the relationship sucked ass, I wasn't at all umcomfortable, even at that young age. Are some types more likely to be born ready for that lifestyle? Are there some that are likley to never be ready? And which types are likely to not necessarily be "born ready", but do enjoy that lifestyle when the time comes?

I guess I'm wondering NOT about which types are good at doing the whole domestic life thing, but more so which types are comfortable in it. Sooooo... post your age, your type, and your opinion.