Quote Originally Posted by Lord Java the 3rd View Post
Picky, aren't you. None the less, I'm familiar with the system, despite any superficial changes. You might argue, but I've seen no leaps. The things that are different is the inter type relations, the descriptions, well you know*more to the point, I don't*. Anyway, it's pretty much the same, I'm not a moron, so why did you say what you did?
Because they're SIGNIFICANT changes. It might not look like it at first, but... look, I used to know MBTI functions too and pretty much had to relearn everything. It's possible this is just out of my own incompetence, but I doubt it. Maybe the MBTI folks have changed their understanding over time to be more like Socionic functions, but I also doubt that - when I was there the general attitude was resistance to any Socionics influence. Although, it was from Rocky, Mr. "You all are stupid and wrong, Socionics is way better" so perhaps the delivery played a certain role in people's rejection of it.

Quote Originally Posted by Phaedrus
An INTP's first two functions are and , and an ILI's first two functions are also and . However, in MBTT they talk about and (without know it of course) in terms of "Ti" and "Ne".
I think this is what you're saying, but just to clarify: INTP MBTI functional order is Ti-Ne-Si-Fe, I believe. (See: http://www.intp.org/intprofile.html, a particularly good description.) I think you're saying those are the labels but the functions described are Ni and Te in Socionics terms. Again, see the above link to see if you agree, if you're unfamiliar with the type.