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Thread: LSI women and large breasts

  1. #41
    pluie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryu View Post
    Look, I won't get into it, but have you noticed this as a common trend?

    That's all.

    Comment away.
    i've past this thread several times and not erally thought of it until recently.
    last night i was at a party, and almost half the people there were LSI or SLE
    most of them were girls
    and yes
    i see this pattern lol

    quite funny/interesting
    two LSI girls (pretty positive they're LSI too) have large breasts
    and then one of them's mom does too,and she seemed pretty LSI too
    funny shit'
    and there was another girl who is SLE or LSI, and yeah.
    Last edited by pluie; 06-05-2009 at 06:38 AM.
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    I'm not sure how to reconcile the large-breastedness of LSIs with "type change." For a while, I was wondering if it means that type change is not possible... Do the breasts of LSIs shrink when they transform into EIIs? I think this is the strongest evidence yet against type change.

    There is also the phenomenon of "man boobs" to consider. Are more of these men LSIs? It is one of the mysteries that I came here to answer. That man with "man boobs" in Fight Club certainly didn't seem LSI. And there are indeed sometimes health reasons behind abnormal breast development in males.

    However, I cannot in good conscience ignore the breasts of LSI males and think that this large-breastedness in the LSI would only be striking in females. The next time I am fortunate enough to see Dr. Phil moving around, I will observe his breasts closely. Are they perky? Do they bounce? Does he seem capable of plowing others over with them? These are all important questions.

    Another matter to consider is the role of the LSI in traditionally matriarchal cultures. For instance, these sorts of idols can be frequently found:

    They VI as LSI breasts. And I would further argue that the breasts of these strange, saggy beings are clearly seen as more important than their heads. This is only an impression though, and I recommend you take it with two heaping mountains of salt.

  3. #43
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    “Whether we fall by ambition, blood, or lust, like diamonds we are cut with our own dust.”

    Quote Originally Posted by Gilly
    You've done yourself a huge favor developmentally by mustering the balls to do something really fucking scary... in about the most vulnerable situation possible.

  4. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by Allie View Post
    @ Winterpark: Gross. lol

    That is interesting. Yeah, I've noticed some people subconsciously link certain personality traits with outward and physical traits.

    For instance, a lot of people here have told me that they expected me to be tall, or much taller, when I'm only 5'3" (160 cm).

    Some people just act like they'd be taller, or seem that way? I don't know. But yeah, I've been guilty of what you're complaining about too—where I've thought of someone as a certain way just because their personality reeked of it. I mean, for a while I thought of Jennifer Anniston as chubby without even actually looking at her lol, because she just seemed that way. Is that sad? Because she's actually rather thin, haha. And I always think of IEIs as tiny, or not tall for some reason. Like strrrng/Nick told me he's like 5'10" or something? And despite this, I still think of myself as being way taller than him. And older, oddly. lol

    Or maybe I just have a height complex
    I forgot you were only 5'3
    "Those who make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities..."

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  5. #45


    Quote Originally Posted by LokiVanguard View Post
    Anyway, I highly doubt your breast size has anything to do with your overall personality. It's like saying ectomorphs are all nerdish bookworms.

    It's the most reliable way, I'm going to start a typing clinic, where I type women based on their breasts. Like the guy who claimed he can tell the fortune from touching breasts.
    ...the human race will disappear. Other races will appear and disappear in turn. The sky will become icy and void, pierced by the feeble light of half-dead stars. Which will also disappear. Everything will disappear. And what human beings do is just as free of sense as the free motion of elementary particles. Good, evil, morality, feelings? Pure 'Victorian fictions'.


  6. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryu View Post
    Look, I won't get into it, but have you noticed this as a common trend?

    That's all.

    Comment away.
    Out of the two LSI girls that I know: Zero big tits.

  7. #47
    Slippery when wet Simon Ssmall's Avatar
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    The one I dated for quite a while was...flat. Not that it made a difference.
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    LSI females are much more likely than average to have apple shaped figures; at least 1/3 of them do, if not as many as 2/3; I know that's a large range. I have seen quite a few with large breasts. It's by far the most common type both in the county I've lived in since 2014 and one of the types I encountered frequenly in my hometown which I lived in from my birth in 1987 up until 2014 and among psychiatric nurses and I've spent a lot of time in a lot of psychiatric wards.

    So yes, LSI women have larger breasts than average. A long time ago, many people didn't realize that most LSI were females, but I guess more people are realizing that they are. Frankly, I never saw anything masculine about being clear thinking and having strong will, so it didn't really surprise me when I realized most LSI were female, just like I had always known most SLE and ILE-Ti were female.
    I'm sorry, but I'm psychologically disturbed.

  9. #49
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