I'm definetely no seasoned vet at VI, and I have a tough time identifying certain types, ENFp's in particular. I get a gut feeling when I see/meet people of certain types for the first time, but I never get a gut feeling that I am meeting an ENFp.

Quote from Socionics.com:
"ENFps choice of clothes and accessories are quite characteristic especially in women. They often neglect some part of their outfit which can give a romantic and liberated feeling to their style. All ENFps dress in a way that indicates a sense of the theatrical."

Could someone please explain the "quite characteristic" or "theatrical" style of dress that ENFp women have?

I don't know if my difficulties are due to limited interaction or some sort of dual blindness, but I am an ISTp so any style cues or any other obvious cues that might help identify ENFp's better would be greatly appreciated. :wink: