Quote Originally Posted by IcEPiCk
enfp women always have one thing that gives it away... A shirt that jumps out, a funky winter jacket with some weird fur on it, a weirdly striped purse... etc. Its like an attempt to be in style and look unique at the sametime. Funky sun glasses can give it away also. The accessories are never over doing it, but can clash with the clothing in my oppinion... Almost trying to have a glamorous look at times.

enfp guys seem to dress very plain to me, but not in a bad way. I notice jeans, a sweat shirt with a logo on it max. Almost never have a buzz cut from what Ive seen.

I just realized, I think esfps like to wear shirts with funny sayings and symbols on them...
My esfp friend actually wears shirts with funny sayings and symbols, he does have a good sense of style though.

Being an ENFP, I usually just throw on whatever I haven't worn in a while. I'm not as crazy as I should be when it comes to clothing, but maybe I should work on that.