ISTJ,ISFJ = To believe

Skeptical, critical, independent, determined, paranoid, sometimes stubborn… yep, that's me!

My family has joked that I BELIEVE NOTHING AND NOONE. Although I don't have to see and feel everything to believe it, I do require overwhelming proof and a healthy respect for your intelligence to be persuaded.

Also If I believe that someone has a malevolent slant to him or her it would take an act of God to ever dissuade me from that opinion about the person forevermore. Of course...that may just be stupidity.

I pity the men that want to date me! Intimacy is a place of serious insecurity for ISTJ’s. I’m way too tough on guys. But that is only when I perceive them to be highly secretive or just plain sneaky. Very open and forthright people put me generally at ease.

Doubting Thomas