What would having a high tolerance to pain indicate?
What would having a high tolerance to pain indicate?
I suppose I should be more specific... I am refering primarily to injuries.
Indicate what? Type? General view on life? Relation to ones essence? The meaning of life?Originally Posted by Joy
Which functions would influence this?
I was thinking about this also. I know a guy that broke his hand and didn't say a thing. He said to me that he can tolerate high amounts of physical pain, which I found interesting, since I am extremely sensitive to pain of any kind. I think this could also relate to certain cognitive functions and types. So yeah, I 'm curious too.
“Whether we fall by ambition, blood, or lust, like diamonds we are cut with our own dust.”
Originally Posted by Gilly
Well, If I’m am a worthy representative of my type definitely not being ISFp.
I’m pain phobic .
I love pain for some reason. I like pain and I like self control. PAIN.
I've seen some theories on this.Originally Posted by Joy
One is that extroverts are less reactive, and needs more stimulation to feel, hence less responsive to pain. These are the theories of Eysenck.
Another is the MAO theory, from zuckerman, because of lower MAO levels (an enzyme that controls the levels of nevrotransmitters), lowers levels of MAO, means less nerve transmission, hence less sensitivity to pain. Because of this people with lower MAO levels, tend to seek more stimulation. You can dig into hebbs theory of the optimal level of arousal to check this, that also relates to eysenck theories. Extroverts are also supposed to have lower levels of dopamine, I guess this is influenced by the MAO levels. Note that in all these theories, extroversion and sensation seeking, goes hand in hand.
Also note that some gene research have found a gene associated with lower dopamine levels, they think this is the sensation seeking gene, but again, there are to many genes involved to pin it down to just one, so it's really to early to say anything sure on that....
Another, is the reducer/argumenter theory, like some will see a figure, and generally underestimate the size, others will overestimate it, theory says the first are extroverts (reducers), the second introverts..
So as the theory goes, extroverts are less pain sensitive.
Given these theories, an ESTP should feel less pain than an INFJ, but I dont really think links like that can be made.
Also note that the above theories, will contradict, things like the existance of a extroverted intuitive type, those theories, mostly connect extroversion to S seeking.
hmmm dopamine... neurotransmitters are interesting things. In my experience though, introversion or extroversion is irrelevant in ADD and ADD is due partially to low dopamine... HOWEVER, there are different types of ADD, and some are more sensitive to pain than most and some less sensitive to pain than most.
My theory is that it's my strong that is in part responsible for this characteristic, at least in my case.
Physical pain is among the least of my worries. Emotional pain or long-term inconvenience, on the other hand, ...
I'm not sure if it's responsible, but I've recall reading things that support beeing more likely to have it than others. That infact ENTP and ENFP types, was of the more common type to have thos. Other things I have read, is that people with a right brain dominance, are mutch more likely to have it. Since they also are more likely to have EN, well, atleast maybe a weak link can be made.Originally Posted by Joy
I recall a lecturer said, that ADD, was one of the new fashion in USA, with a lot of over diagnosis...Way to mutch medication being written out, to people who dont need it. So that should be kept in mind, I'm sure I've would had been diagnosed with ADD, and put on meds, when I was a child, if I have lived in USA as a child now. But I dont, and that makes me happy.
I dislike any kind of physical pain, others in pain, animals in pain, needles etc. My base function is associated with the like of, and search of pleasant sensations and comfort, and makes us sensitive to touch. Maybe this has something to do with it and people who have weak can tolerate pain more easily.
Friendly ISTp
Interested in everything, yes, EVERYTHING
Flower's motto: Life's too short even to do the things you want to, let alone the things you dont!!
I am quite sure I have rather weak but I do not tolerate physical pain very well.
High tolerance for pain = estp and isfj. Those people are tough as nails.
Like that; but I need to do something else.Originally Posted by Herzblut
Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit
I can handle pain in REALLY large amounts when it's something like a burn or cut (When I was a kid, I used see how long I could hold my hand on a stove or under hot water without freaking out I was a fucking weird kid). But things like breaking bones, well, even though it's never happened to me (knock on wood), the thought of being structurally unsound scares the shit out of me.
But, for a certainty, back then,
We loved so many, yet hated so much,
We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...
Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
Whilst our laughter echoed,
Under cerulean skies...
I feel pain easily (more delicate than I would like tobe, oh well) but I have a high tolerance for it (I can ignore it for a very long time).
Ishy <--- Introvert with low dopamine/serotonin. High noradrenaline, though.
i'm about average, i think. i can tough out pain quite well. but don't like to have to. i'm much more worried about emotional kinds of pain. i figure most of the physical sorts can be fixed somehow.
I like external pain. Like on the skin and what not. But I have a EXTREMELY hard time dealing with internal pain. Like headaches and stomach aches and the sort.
For some reason extrenal pain make me feel good though....>_>
... me too, exactly. And we're both INFPs. I HATE internal pain. I can't stand it. Especially in the stomach area, since I do have stomach issues/problems. Don't like to talk about it, but yeah ... it would be so great to know if there was a correlation to feelings of pain & typesOriginally Posted by aurora_faerie
Isn't everyone like this?Originally Posted by ScarlettLux
I don't exactly 'like' physical pain ie. I wouldn't self inflict injury. However, once its there, I'm fairly indifferent to it for some reason. When I was a kid and in pain, I'd never cry and I'd try not to show signs of physical weakness and I'd consider the other kids who did hypochondriacs (although of course I didn't know that word at the time). Visually, I have no fear of blood, which is why I like slasher movies . Yet, there are some types of physical pain, such as internal stomach pain, which I am really sensitive to.
Are you sure you're not an ISTp.Originally Posted by Forest-Dragon
Who knows what the hell I am these days (possibly)
Rocky, you are SO grating on my nerves. I can't stand that everytime I post something, you are always there to try and contradict me. I just can't stand you!Originally Posted by Rocky
No! Not everyone is like that! Not everyone is extremely sensitive to small stomach pains like I am! Do you not understand anything!? Some people truly can handle stuff like that better than others.
I love you too!Originally Posted by ScarlettLux
Hmm.. now, you're positive you're not an INTp? lol.No! Not everyone is like that! Not everyone is extremely sensitive to small stomach pains like I am! Do you not understand anything!? Some people truly can handle stuff like that better than others.
Just kidding... don't sweat it.
I can tollerate large amounts of pain. I have had my knuckle sliced open by a machetee (my friend cant aim..) and I could see my bone moving, didnt feel a thing. The only thing I really ever have a problem with are headaches.
OMG... LMAO!Originally Posted by Apex
I'm not sure this really has much to do with type, though... I have heard people of different types say similar things. I'm sure there is varing degrees of "tolerance" or whatever, but I don't think anyone likes feeling internal pain, like their stomach or head. I'm sure it irritates most people to some extent.
What the heck was he aiming for?Originally Posted by Apex
Not me. I do fine with internal pain. External pain is what gets to me... and living with an ESTp sibling, i've had a lot of that.Originally Posted by Rocky
the board I was swinging at him. We were playing around and even though I was the one who knew how to use a machetee he still wouldnt do it unless he got to use it.Originally Posted by Forest-Dragon
Learned a lesson that day.
At least I don't think it's related to type. You are both INFps, but react differntly, I'm an ISTp, and feel the same way as Scarlett, so... meh.Originally Posted by Baby
Hmm... once I practised bassoon for so long that my lips started bleeding. I tend not to notice my physical condition
I have a pretty low tolerance for pain. Getting much better at distracting myself though.