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Thread: Fi valuing types and being aroused by music

  1. #41
    xyz's Avatar
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    I have quite a bit of music on my itunes, and yeah I'm always listening to shit.

    I'm listening to Ramble On as I type.
    "Those who make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities..."

    - Voltaire

  2. #42
    Twist-Tie Spider iAnnAu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Christy B View Post
    Not sinister. Just creepy. The word "grooving" makes me think of someone who is not necessarily dancing but, like, they cannot or do not care to keep control of the expression of their emotions as they are being affected by the superficial enjoyment of the music they are listening to. It seems indiscriminate, makes me uncomfortable, and I experience it as my feelings being invaded. Unless they are joking about “grooving”, by exaggerated "grooving" which I think is really funny.

    (This does not include sincere emotional responses to powerful or meaningful music which affects people deeply. I would not consider this "grooving".)
    Funny. For my part, I love to dance by getting lost in the beat & rhythm of music, but I find that it's easiest to do to say techno or house music - which are types of music I would not choose to simply listen to.
    When I put music on, it's usually stuff I have already formed a connection to and appreciate on a certain level - I like sophisticated composition, but I also like it to appeal to me easthetically. For example, my father listens to Frank Zappa a lot, and while I can respect the guy, I just don't *enjoy* his music. But Dad is bored by Tool, while I can listen to it either because it rawks or because there are so very many layers to notice in it. Sometimes I'll just slip something simple on for the mood it has, or because for whatever reason a song is stuck in my head and either I need to listen to that song or I know some other song will bump it.
    I have the hardest time finding new music. I practically bully my friends into giving me copies of their favorite stuff, and then I'm extremely lazy about getting around to listening to it, because it takes me so much effort to establish that connection.
    Commercials and the always-abrazive DJs on radio disgust me, so I never listen to it. And I bug the crap out of everyone when around random playlists - "Who plays this? What's the name of this one?" etc.
    I also can't stand overt soundtrack crap. A friend and I were talking about Danny Elfman and how every soundtrack he's done sounds like the first. It's like he's saying "THIS is how you evoke SADNESS! BE SAD NOW! Oh, look, now it's time to notice that something SINISTER is being FORESHADOWED! DON'T MISS THE FORESHADOWING, FOLKS!" Blech.
    On my recent trip to New Orleans and back, I mostly rode in silence with my Mom on the way down and my bro on the way back. Mom wanted to listen to oldies (50s era) at one point, and I put on some Iron and Wine for her, which is not the same, but she seemed OK with. And even though Zak & I have overlapping music tastes, I mostly listened to my own thoughts and him snoring.
    I know it's weird, but I *like* driving in silence. The in-motion thing does something to facilitate ease of pure thought within my own skull. So while I love listening to good road music, I hardly ever get around to it (even on a 10-hour road trip!).
    Quote Originally Posted by Charles Bukowski
    We're all going to die, all of us, what a circus! That alone should make us love each other but it doesn't. We are terrorized and flattened by trivialities, we are eaten up by nothing.

  3. #43
    Poster Nutbag The Exception's Avatar
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    I wonder if F types (regardless of Fi vs Fe) are moved emotionally by music more in general than T types. This has tended to be my observation. I would be an exception to this. I'm an INTj and am easily moved by many different types of music.

    I tend to select music that already fits my current mood more than select music to get me into a certain mood. I also find that being exposed to certain music in the background (i.e. in a store or restaurant) can put me in a certain mood, even alter it.

    I've also noticed that some people tend to be more emotionally moved by the lyrics in music while others don't care much about the lyrics but may be moved by the melody, the beat, or the beautiful sound of someone's voice. I'm definitely fit the latter description.

    Someone on a different message board mentioned that for him, the lyrics had to be personally meaningful for him to enjoy the song. Even if he enjoys the melody, the rhythm, etc., if the lyrics aren't to his liking, it ruins the whole song for him, making it unlistenable. For me its the opposite. Many of the songs I like, when you think about it, have really dumb or meaningless lyrics but I still listen to it because its got a good melody, beat, rhythm, etc. Most of the time, I don't even pay attention to the lyrics. I'm far more interested in how something sounds musically and what effect that has on me.

    This same person also mentioned that most music without lyrics is just noise to him. He said classical music sounds 'pretty' but when you think about it, its just noise. Its as if he needs lyrics for it to be meaningful. Whereas I can listen to a purely instrumental piece and find it personally meaningful and very enjoyable.

    I'm curious about how this might relate to socionics types. I don't know this man's socionics type. He is a Myers-Briggs INFP. Maybe there isn't much of a type correlation but its fun to think about.
    LII-Ne with strong EII tendencies, 6w7-9w1-3w4 so/sp/sx, INxP

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