What results do you get for the 4 questions below? Also, out of the 4 questions, which one could you answer most confidently/easily? Please also state your type. Thanks.

A. Which one is more strongly and actively associated with your personality?
Strong, confident logic. System thinking. Skill to separate the main thing from the secondary. Scrupulousness in the study of facts, the skill to see the connection between them. Bringing in all into the system. Organization of structural order. Rationality, accuracy, systematization, consistency. Analytical turn of mind. Skill in everything to find cause-effect connection tendency toward the abstract, system thinking. Skill to separate the main thing from the secondary. Theorisation, tendency toward the mental labour, the construction of abstract models.

Natural and complete understanding of the nature of the relations between any people, their sympathies and antipathies. A fundamental understanding of moral and ethical aspects of life. Skill to understand desires and interests of people. Mercy, benevolence, tact. Excellent understanding of the diverse subtleties of interrelations between the people, error-free understanding of their relation to itself. Idea about the life as about the battlefield of good and evil. Tendency to eradicate evil, moralist, maximalist (as opposed to minimalist), moral cleanliness.

B. Which one is more strongly and actively associated with your personality?
Skill to bring to the perfection the procedure of the fulfilment of any actions. High fitness for work and productivity. Ability to fix the trouble-free operation of any mechanisms, to thoroughly adjust procedures, to effectively direct processes. In any matter it knows how to attain maximum return. Professionalism, the composition of instructions, industriousness, competence, methodicalness. Planning all its actions. Understanding expediency or inexpediency of any actions. High and productive fitness for work. Skill to find the most effective mode of operation. Tendency toward the success. Rationalization, result, sequence.

Bright and strong emotionalism, cheerfulness. Understanding the most concealed emotions of other people. Skill to create around itself glad and holiday mood. Raising the vital tone of the surrounding people. Emotional pressure. Talkativeness. Tendency to avoid negative emotions. Jovial merry fellow, "loudspeaker". Bright, dramatic emotionalism. Wealth of sincere experiences and feelings. Tendency to dramatize any events. Skill to understand the mood of other people and to act on it. Ability to call necessary emotions in itself and other people, control of strange emotions. Tendency toward the effects and the passions. Romanticism, fervency, tragedy, maximalism (as opposed to minimalism), emotional game.

C. Which one is more strongly and actively associated with your personality?
Thin and many-sided sensation of physical peace. Wealth of sensory perception. High sensitivity to all physical actions. Perfect work of sensory organs. Desire and the skill to surround itself and others by cosiness and by comfort. Constant ability to receive the beauty of peace. Developed taste, esthetical value, tendency toward the sensory pleasures. Physical peace in entire wealth of sensations receives. It thinly feels any physical actions. Perfect work of sensory organs. A fundamental understanding of the beauty of peace. Withdrawal from the inconvenience and the discomfort. Ability to find the most comfortable place in the surrounding space. Understanding the physical needs of other people. Pragmatism, aesthetics, economy in the motions, the skill in everything to find convenience.

Excellent understanding of the motion of time and possible course of events. Foresight of future. Aggravated presentiment of dangers. Strong intuition. Skill everything to do in time and to wait for its. Sluggishness, the complete absence of fussiness, the skill not to meddle in the trouble. Complete absorption in the flow of time. Skill to adapt time to its desires. Expectation of changes to the best. Foresight, the skill in advance to leave from the danger. Glad foresight, dreaminess, ease, intuition.

D. Which one is more strongly and actively associated with your personality?
Enormous purposefulness. Precise estimation of the power potential of the surrounding people. Skill to attain its, despite not what obstacles. Strong will, energetic nature, natural tendency toward the authority. Developed force of will. Directivity to reaching of eventual result. Skill instantly to be oriented in the created situation and in the arrangement of forces. Correct estimation of the volitional potential of other people. An increase in the persistence it is proportional to a quantity of obstacles. Skill to make decisions on the basis of incomplete data and decisively to act. Solution of all problems on the move. Purposefulness, it cannot be brought down from the course.

The skill to understand the essence of things and phenomena. Generation of ideas, understanding their prospect and possibilities of realization. Ability to recreate whole on some parts. Mental acuity, rich fantasy, spontaneity, fast response in the non-standard situations, absent-mindedness in private life. Very strong imagination, bright and interesting fantasies. The instantaneous understanding of the possibilities, which allows the situation. Spontaneous decision making. Skill to find way out from any complex ethical situation. Interest in entire new and uncommon. Skill to see the merits of people and the readiness to tell about this to all. Dreamer, inventor. It is inclined to the eccentricity.


Don't look at these before answering all the questions :wink:

The question that I believe is easiest to answer is the one comparing the 2nd and 4th function. You may mistake your 6th function (hidden agenda) as being stronger than your 8th function.

All these clues should help you determine your type accurately.