Quote Originally Posted by Ali View Post
My question is, what kind of behavioral changes do delta go through after experiencing such dualization (that is, if my general understanding is correct about this). Can anyone post their own experiences or observations on the subject?
I've had some brief contact with one ENFp woman this summer. Her personality is such that I could see a lot of people claiming she's 'high maintainance', but I would disagree. She's very active mentally, and very chatty, but I didn't find her tiring at all. Also one of the nicest people I've met in a LONG time - whether that's duality or pure coincidence I can't say.

Often she would interject with self-deprecating comments about how 'silly' she was, or statements of how much she was just 'blathering'. This provided an excellent opportunity for me to come out make a friendly gesture, "Oh no, not at all, I find this interesting, etc." - something I've taken to frame as her trying to draw me out, or gauge my level of connection with her in terms of Fi. At least, that was the effect.