ah, awareness of my physical existence? well, why didn't you say so in the new thread?

this is addendum to my reply on the other thread.

now that does strike a nerve. d'you know, i was barely aware that i had a physical body until i was about 17, at which time i realised that since it was organic and physical, it requires proper care and maintenance. of course, i knew i inhabited a physical body, it's just that i didn't much pay attention to it, like it's not very important, and sometimes inconvenient. i often feel like my body slows me down. when i am depressed, i often want to retreat into my mind, and having to keep my body going becomes a detestable chore.

i think that's partly why i joined the navy reserves in university. i hated the fact that i didn't know what to do with my body. i think subconsciously i wanted to be forced to acknowledge my physical existence and to rely on it and see if i could do it.

sometimes, when i'm absorbed in something, or depressed, i am hardly aware of my physical surroundings, and my timekeeping deteriorates. it becomes inconvenient to be bound in the physical world, and subject to the flow of time. i always view my mind as separate from my body. though... i do want to try and maintain my physical body better than i have been doing. it's going to carry me around for a while, and i'd like it to be reliable and fit for purpose.

so, what do you think? INTj? INTp?