Quote Originally Posted by tcaudilllg View Post
One thing is clear from this: Boukalov is no Augusta. Augusta knew to shut up about the math; Bukalov doesn't.

I was following him kinda until he started using mathematical notation... after which point I found myself too focused on trying to recognize the letters to take in the text. The mathematical equations do not belong anywhere save in his private little notes. It's a very far-out model: he's putting Jung's functions all on level with the blocks. Now that I think about it, it's not a bad idea, because they are all functions of the brain after all. The blocks do appear to be distinct from the functions; it would appear from my standpoint that the blocks are the prizes the functions seek. The better the block, the better the information you can get and the more useful "you" (speaking of a function here) are to the personality.

But now wait, t is Ni, therefore t shouldn't be there, should it? Eh... I think this guy needs to back off the physics and think more in terms of psyche; but he's just shooting from his Ni id after all.
No, Here t is not White Intuition, but the dimension of Time

find "dimensionality of functions" in Wikisocion