Quote Originally Posted by dee View Post
heh heh...

i think that Fi valuing types are designed (some might believe by time) to have real and natural to them emotional attachments to people or things and since Fi devaluing types disregard (though keep safe @) it, being at the same level of Fi as Fi valuing types are is quite strenuous or quite unpreferred as focal subjectmatter. (lets bomb the thread! (jus kidin))
Hey, that was all in one post. Good job!

I have another question, if you don't mind: When you write things, like the above, is it more of a, hm, note to yourself or are you trying to tell somebody else something? Another way of asking the same thing - do you write what you do as an expression of what's transpiring in your head and you don't really care who or if anyone reads it, or do you write with the specific aim of communicating something to the people who you want to read it?

That's an honest question - it would help me understand you better.