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Thread: Can an INTj be ?

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    Default Can an INTj be.... ?

    I was just thinking if an INTj would...

    1) Eat a lot when under pressure??? or is that plain gluttony?

    2) Be completely unorganized and undisciplined?

    3) Be completely helpless in expressing love????

    I'm pretty sure I'm an INT, so am down to INTj or INTp. I think:

    1) I am TiNe more than NiTe,

    2) Based on type relationships, I can only be an INTj. Have NEVER EVER been able to get along w/ ISFjs and ESFps!!!!

    3) Am unassertive, never well dressed or groomed (despite my being a female).

    Could I happen to be a very Ne INTj or I'm just a very Ni INTp???? Any thoughts?

  2. #2
    Expat's Avatar
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    Don't rule out ENTp even if you have a self-perception of an introvert.
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

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    I didn't, until I had to be with the same group of people for over two months pretty much around the clock!!! I am an auditor and was working on an IPO in China. I had to share a room with a girl (an ISFj) who worked in the head office with me. Not only was I stuck with an ISFj, I was also stuck with a group of people that I had to deal with over 12 hrs a day: we worked, ate and lived in a hotel together! I had to lock myself in the washroom for several hours every day to recharge myself. I thought I would die during the first two weeks!

    Besides, whenever I'm unhappy or tired, I cut off my connection to the world. I feel I don't have enough energy to cover others' needs.

    Based on those, I would say that I am an introvert.

  4. #4
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    To need time for your own after working so closely with other people is not exclusive to introverts, especially if you were ENTp and dealing with your conflictors, the ISFjs.

    Besides, if you are INTj the ISFjs are your super-egos, which is not so horrible a relationship in the short term.


    What exactly was it about the ISFj that bothered you (and vice-versa?)
    How exactly are you undisciplined and disorganized?

    Moreover, before Hugo says it, you might want to try this test:
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

  5. #5
    Let's fly now Gilly's Avatar
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    Unassertive=Not ENTP.
    But, for a certainty, back then,
    We loved so many, yet hated so much,
    We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...

    Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
    Whilst our laughter echoed,
    Under cerulean skies...

  6. #6


    unorganized and undisciplined: totally messy and i NEVER follow any schedules i set.

    my relationships wtih ISFj: they jsut come across as fake.... it's hard to describe, but we jsut can't communicate with one another. they are yeah, nosy!!!! and they're generally just FAKE. acting like they like you so much and talk behind your back. a gal to whom i have openly showed my dislike actually gossiped with me about our boss. she's like his fav and he treats her real well and that guy in some kind of sticky and unfortunate situation. for me, to say bad thigns about him and say how he deserves sth is just ungrateful adn mean.

    why am i an introvert?? coz i value my privacy a lot. to a point it's laughable but i just can't help and my friends are generally understanding and keep secrets for me.

  7. #7


    btw, Expat, by the way i write, would you say that i am a member of the gamma group??? but i personally think i am so so very alpha~~~ that's why i'm really confused.

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    Does this sort of thing describe your behavior? It characterizes me when I am under stress. It seems to be a mild form of paranoid schizophrenia resulting from affective disorders, neurotransmitter levels, or your weak sensing function or whatever other terms you care to put it in. So yes I would say an intj could be quite disorganized.

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    Default Re: Can an INTj be.... ?

    Quote Originally Posted by whoever
    I was just thinking if an INTj would...

    1) Eat a lot when under pressure??? or is that plain gluttony?

    not in my experience.. but i do eat a lot. maybe it's just being 21 and male? thankfully my metabolism burns like the sun.

    2) Be completely unorganized and undisciplined?

    yes, however most intj's prefer not to be, and if they are they can often be hard on themselves in their minds about it..

    3) Be completely helpless in expressing love????

    most of the time yes. it often depends on the person an intj is with though. they way they express how they feel to an entj will be considerably different than the way they show emotion to an esfj.

    I'm pretty sure I'm an INT, so am down to INTj or INTp. I think:

    1) I am TiNe more than NiTe,

    2) Based on type relationships, I can only be an INTj. Have NEVER EVER been able to get along w/ ISFjs and ESFps!!!!

    3) Am unassertive, never well dressed or groomed (despite my being a female).

    Could I happen to be a very Ne INTj or I'm just a very Ni INTp???? Any thoughts?

    you sound intj to me. if indeed you typed those ESFps that you mentioned above correctly, then if you were INTp you would have gotten along perfectly with them, since they would be your dual. though, since you did not get along with them, i'd guess you were intj.

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    1. yes. i do, anyway. although i do eat quite healthy portions anyway, i tend to start eating compulsively when i'm anxious or stressed - tend to gravitate towards chilli - makes me feel happier. probably a chemical effect. also start to watch more tv than usual and surf the net for hours for no reason. maybe it's like the compulsive behaviour of opening the fridge every 5 minutes when you're bored and want to start snacking. luckily i'm not into chococates and my metabolim's high so i'm skinny anyway.

    2. i am basically highly organised - with systems for everything, so that things run like clockwork in the background. but when stressed i do tend to let go of organisation - just don't care anymore. i also find it hard to be disciplined in the sense of following a set routine that's repetitive, unvaried etc. depending on my mood i do lose sense of time sometimes which makes it hard for me to force myself into rigid routines. but, being INTj, i make systems so that things are taken care of even when i'm stressed and unable to organise myself.

    3. well... not really. i'm verbally quite proficient. when i really really want to, i have found that i can express love effectively. :wink: and i'm not averse to risk - dealt with that demon some time ago, so i can deal with it.

    4. i don't think i've been unassertive since i was at least 15 or 16 - about the time when i realised that i seem to gain respect from people within a very short time. decided i'd like to be well-dressed when i want to be around age 20, so i did. don't always dress up - notorious for being able to really dress down - and my fashion sense is never the 'in' or vogue type, but i do like to be well-dressed and immaculate now and then.

    my brother, though - i think he's INTp. now he isn't conscious at all about how he dresses. other people recognise his own clothes better than he does. he's more disorganised than i am, and is disorganised as a general rule. and though he has a frightful temper when provoked, in general he's awfully mild-mannered and almost absent-minded.

  11. #11

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    Default Re: Can an INTj be.... ?

    Quote Originally Posted by whoever
    I was just thinking if an INTj would...

    1) Eat a lot when under pressure??? or is that plain gluttony?

    2) Be completely unorganized and undisciplined?

    3) Be completely helpless in expressing love????

    I'm pretty sure I'm an INT, so am down to INTj or INTp. I think:

    1) I am TiNe more than NiTe,

    2) Based on type relationships, I can only be an INTj. Have NEVER EVER been able to get along w/ ISFjs and ESFps!!!!

    3) Am unassertive, never well dressed or groomed (despite my being a female).

    Could I happen to be a very Ne INTj or I'm just a very Ni INTp???? Any thoughts?
    1. intj's can do things to excess, which include eating, drinking, etc. so yes

    2. it depends how you define unorganized etc. i am organized, but i'm not neat. i know where everything is, but it doesn't look neat. i'm diciplined in almost everything, but impulsive food related things. too easy to buy that bag of sweets....or of course the other is blurting out things that shouldn't be blurted out.

    3. yeah, i think that's many of us. i can fall really deeply - but can't figure out timing, what to say, how to look, walk, speak, what facial expressions i need, etc. smiling and the like can be a pain as well.

    i don't think it matter's if your a J or a P, since many of the questions are stereotyped anyway. i'm not that assertive, for some things. but i can be quite aggressive for others. it varies.

    you can also be a split type. my I and J are pretty strong. but my NT can go in different ways depending on situation. so you can be both. INTx.

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    sigh... maybe i want to take back no.3. i really shouldn't assess this in myself until i have some sort of evidence that holds up long term. i can express love, but am unqualified to say whether it is effective or not.

  13. #13

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kirana
    sigh... maybe i want to take back no.3. i really shouldn't assess this in myself until i have some sort of evidence that holds up long term. i can express love, but am unqualified to say whether it is effective or not.
    if your a J or maybe even a P - the other person will never know. unless you can do a mind-meld. but people frown on the grabbing the head thing. i would just run experiments and run evaluations on people to see if there's a change.

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    maybe it doesn't matter even if it's effective. sometimes when things will fail, they will fail.

  15. #15


    INTP myself, I dress with the same crap from highschool, it's not unheard of in people like us, I believe its the underlying belief in practicality, and it's such a waste of raw material to be using for fashion instead of the intended purpose of warmth.

  16. #16

    Default Re: Can an INTj be.... ?

    Quote Originally Posted by whoever
    I was just thinking if an INTj would...

    1) Eat a lot when under pressure??? or is that plain gluttony?

    2) Be completely unorganized and undisciplined?

    3) Be completely helpless in expressing love????

    I'm pretty sure I'm an INT, so am down to INTj or INTp. I think:

    1) I am TiNe more than NiTe,

    2) Based on type relationships, I can only be an INTj. Have NEVER EVER been able to get along w/ ISFjs and ESFps!!!!

    3) Am unassertive, never well dressed or groomed (despite my being a female).

    Could I happen to be a very Ne INTj or I'm just a very Ni INTp???? Any thoughts?

    It's not that you may or may not be an "INTJ"
    It's that you are a human being

    Having a site totally devoted to type descriptions is nice, but thinking only in those terms seems kind of foolish. An INTJ can do anything, and for that matter, so can any other type, in my opinion.

    Your personal experiences will grow over time, unless you keep living in the same exact way. I suppose I, generally, would be a more typical INTJ IF i hadn't fallen in love 2 years ago or so.

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