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I was just thinking if an INTj would...
1) Eat a lot when under pressure??? or is that plain gluttony?
not in my experience.. but i do eat a lot. maybe it's just being 21 and male? thankfully my metabolism burns like the sun.
2) Be completely unorganized and undisciplined?
yes, however most intj's prefer not to be, and if they are they can often be hard on themselves in their minds about it..
3) Be completely helpless in expressing love????
most of the time yes. it often depends on the person an intj is with though. they way they express how they feel to an entj will be considerably different than the way they show emotion to an esfj.
I'm pretty sure I'm an INT, so am down to INTj or INTp. I think:
1) I am TiNe more than NiTe,
2) Based on type relationships, I can only be an INTj. Have NEVER EVER been able to get along w/ ISFjs and ESFps!!!!
3) Am unassertive, never well dressed or groomed (despite my being a female).
Could I happen to be a very Ne INTj or I'm just a very Ni INTp???? Any thoughts?
you sound intj to me. if indeed you typed those ESFps that you mentioned above correctly, then if you were INTp you would have gotten along perfectly with them, since they would be your dual. though, since you did not get along with them, i'd guess you were intj.