how does it manifest?
how does it manifest?
think of it as Ti that is < to Fi. human rights for example seems to be an example of that as it incorporates a sense of "justice" that centers around the individual. sometimes this manifests as a sense of duty towards others.
My ISFj wife has as role. She was venting about something at work one day and she said the following about a particular proceedure that there was some disagreement about:
"Right or wrong, this is how it needs to be done."
She works in the medical industry where if you don't follow the established proceedures you can get your butt sued off and have your career destroyed so I understood where she was coming from. But if there was some proceedure that I was being asked to follow that I seriously did not agree with and felt was wrong and had a good case for it you would never hear me say anything like that. It would be something more along the lines of...
"Listen, I agree with you that this is probably wrong and that we should fight to try to change it, but in the meantime we have to protect ourselves from liability and do what the book says. Lets put our argument together and see if we can get it changed, though."
When it comes to any sort of discussion about small -like details she definitely tries to go with the flow of what's "established correct" and doesn't like to stand out in any way there. The small details actually tend to bore her and she's much more receptive to big picture type stuff instead. It's sorta like my role where I try to just be appropriate and not stand out and not express too little or too much. There is somebody at work with very strong Fe and they tend to annoy me because I perceive their Fe as being way too excessive and I'm not comfortable with it.
Te-INTp/ILI, my wife: Fi-ISFj/ESI, with laser beam death rays for ESTp/SLEs, lol
16 years of bliss in an Activity relationship
wow steve, thanks that was helpful