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Thread: Painfull Functions

  1. #1

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    Default Painfull Functions

    I got this off this forum:
    It is not a perfect translation but it will give you some idea.
    This is about the 4th function sometimes know as the painful function.

    Jack and Hamlet

    White Sensing is the fear. The fear of sensations, touches, discomfort, contact with the objects, which can get them. It is terrible to be touched by something or to be dirtied by something or someone, since it can cause unexpected sensations. Fear to be mistaken in the estimation of the aesthetical properties of object. Fear of criticism of their appearance. The fears that personal appearance - physical beauty, their clothing, cosmetics, smells, health as a whole not will be on par to those evaluating them, will not have the required fashion sense.

    Jack, White Sensing "+" manifestation itself "as there is", showy untidiness, inaccuracy or absence of style in the clothing. "I will put on that there, let them see everything, so what for!" Attempts to manage physical discomfort through the demonstrative tests of discomfort - to traverse sharp sensations. "To feel that the painfully is possible, if only you would strike this". With the overload of the senses and loss of the reality of sensations, there is a tendency to obtain this by any price. “Thus I got tired, that I was not confident to feel something or I already do not feel anything"

    Hamlet, White Sensing "-" the tendency to hide from those surrounding experiences concerning physical discomfort, exterior view. "To me it is not pleasant to hear this (to see, to touch and so forth), but I will not show this to anyone". Demonstrating indifference relating to discomfort, untidiness, and their physical state. Hidden unhealthy experiences of physical discomfort. With an overload of this leads to hysterical attempts "to be finished" from the different kind of sensations - not to see, not to touch, not to hear and so forth.

  2. #2

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    Default Re: Painfull Functions

    Quote Originally Posted by love
    Jack, White Sensing "+" manifestating itself "as there is", showy untidiness, inaccuracy or absence of style in the clothing. "I will put on that there, let them see everything, so what for!" Attempts to manage physical discomfort through the demonstrative tests of discomfort - to traverse sharp sensations. "To feel that the painfully is possible, if only you would strike this". With the overload of the senses and loss of the reality of sensations, there is a tendency to obtain this by any price. “Thus I got tired, that I was not confident to feel something or already do not feel anything"
    That is so frickin accurate, I knew an ENTJ who I could get to finally shutup by commenting on his clothes, before I was into Socionics.

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    Dreiser and Maksim

    Black Intuition is the tone of fear. The fear of changes, the detection of changes causes fear. Someone reveals something unexpected, what earlier was unknown and nothing was noted about it this is something that causes fear, the fear of self-conscious embarrassment, losing one's presence of mind. Or what you’re affected by in any given moment.

    Dreiser, Black Intuition "+" given the tendency to open as much as possible anything which is unknown "just in case" in order to feel itself secure, just in case so that "what it would not leave". The fear of the entirely new and unknown simultaneously gives fear. Demonstrated fear. It is manifested as the demonstration of suspiciousness to everything and anything. "You’re an interesting and good person, but suddenly you do know or can do something as which threatens me with danger...? Therefore, I am not confident in you. Here. Know about this!" This is noticeable to others the eternal apprehension of qualities, or possibilities in the abilities of other people. Demonstrated apprehension.

    Maksim, Black Intuition "-" giving to the tendency to avoid the entirely new and to hide their fear of this, fear of detecting the new and unknown. Moreover, by avoiding the entirely new ensures the blocking of new information and actions, which leads to the detection of the previously unknown. Fear of changes and concealment of these fears of change. "For I do not know, what you do in reality, and this disturbs me, but to you I will not say anything about this, but I will make the appearance, that everything is ok!"

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    Robespierre and Dostoyevskiy

    Black Sensing is the tone of fear – Overall there is the fear of deliberate coercion and application of strong force. With respect to them, the avoidance of determined strong willed pressure. Creating a low-pressure atmosphere on those surrounding them and in acceptance of their force, there is, in fear, a meekness and humbleness with their forcfulness and simultaneously the concealment of this weakness. Taking into account signs will be in two directions, outside (+) or inward (-).

    Robespierre, Black Sensing "+" - the demonstration of your weakness and lack of defense, being pressed "what a pity", the "provocatively defenseless", "you see, for I am weak!?" Reacting to heavy coercion, being muscled or pressured from without with destructive displays "I will destroy and break everything", of course for Robespierre , this is how concrete force is allowed in.

    Dostoyevskiy Black Sensing "-" - to hide their weakness, they will openly protest "any" coercive plan so that it will not happen, but force will not appear. "For I am weak and this I know, but I will not show anyone, how I am weak!" Reacting to heavy coercion, brute force or pressure with hysterics: "That you make me remain with you!" "Why do you inflict pain on me, leave me!"

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    These are just translations from another forum.

    White sensing,
    It is in the subconscious block
    It subconsciously registers and experience reality
    It is a suggestive function, weak and accepting
    It is something spiritual what you experience here,
    It is something your dual can give; it is Hugo’s creative conscious function.

    This fourth one, the one these post are about, is where problems, complexes come from.
    Like this Hamlet chick I knew, her parents whipped her with a rubber hose, she was totally screwed up by this.
    So now, she is 37 years old and speaking about child abuse with great conviction.
    I read somewhere that most of the anorexics were NFs
    White Sensing (internal sensations like hunger) is in the forth with ENFJs
    In addition, I heard that a therapy for this is Yoga and stuff to get you in touch with your body (white sensing stuff)
    Just my opinion of course.

    Max can have problems with predicting relation and become freakishly suspicious of everyone thinking they are going to screw them over.

    This function can be problematic as you maybe can become obsessed with something from there or completely ignore it.

    It is week and difficult.

    Like the ESFP, that completly ignores all the rules (white logic stuff)

    Well you get the idea.

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