Quote Originally Posted by Investigator View Post
@Aylen I understand your SEE typing (I won’t waste time counter arguing him being an ILI), but let me unwind why he isn’t one.

Point 1: SEE are most likely to listen to advice (though victories must be credited to them) while SLE wants everything to be accomplished by their own hands. Remember, the whole premise of duality is that types’ behaviour is catered to their duals. SEE’s behaviour is catered towards ILI ‘s and one of the ILI’s greatest talents is to be a strategic and wise consigliere. While SLE’s behaviour is catered towards IEI’s where the IEI claims the role of being a person’s psychologist and spiritual guide (2D Ti makes sure this type of advice does not sound like dogmatic garbage, but at the same time not too theoretical so still well received by the down to the earth pragmatic SLE). If Donald Trump was a SEE, he would not be so quick to dismiss others (or even fire them). To be a SLE’s advisor you: can’t be too outspoken, can’t be too involved/hands-on, always passively agree even if you may not agree (definitely not an ILI trait), and when you do disagree strongly you have to take the role of a diplomat and guide the SLE to your point without saying their wrong to not appear like your commiting insubordination (which the SLE is very sensitive about). While SEE’s knows there might be holes in their reasoning and plans (SLE’s are less likely to have these holes as a logical type) and they realize advice to correct these mistakes may not “sound nice”, but that doesn’t bother them (catering to the critical ILI).

Point 2: There is a complete lack of the kindness or care for looking kind that you would never see in SEE’s. Don’t get me wrong, SEE’s care about being a strong leader who knows how to take care of “business.” However, they also love being praised for their kindness and benevolence. SEE’s would use these positive sentiments to manage (or based on who you talk to, they manipulate) their people. Whereas, the SLE doesn’t care about appearing nice; they want to be seen as a leader with absolute control. Instead of manipulating emotions, they “may” (not all the time) manipulate appearance of facts as they are a very witty/quick on their feet. Donald Trump flexes this skill a lot and is able convince people of lies and/or half truths; from cold businessmen (Art of the Deal) to voters. When he is called out for being racist or just mean he is unaffected with not even the afterthought of giving small apology to appease the people who scream he is immoral. Remember, SLE only really care about the end result. This non-PC behaviour really moved a nation who was sick of leaders/representatives playing politics while recieving tax payers’ money.

This should suffice for now.
Wait this guy types trump ILI lol