If you had to sum LIEs up in two words, they would be insecurity -- and greed -- actually, make it just one word, since their greed derives from their insecurity. Not insecurity as to what they can accomplish on their own, or what they know: they are very secure about crap like that. Insecurity as to other people, how others see them. Far more than the LII or the ILI, the LIE is the workaholic nerd who eagerly studies and/or works hard and accumulates knowledge, and wealth, in the sad hope that that will help him get that one girl he's been admiring since kindergarten - only to have her laugh at him as she goes for the jock who kicks sand in the LIE's eyes on the beach. And why shouldn't she? While the jock will instinctively understand what the girl wants, the LIE will try to, well, do things for her, be helpful with her homework, enter into a 2-hour digression on the economic structure of the town of Dead Man's Creek, Arizona, because she happened to mention she stopped there once to get gas. Such a futile quest can never stop, which is why even multi-millionaire LIEs will then go for something else - like politics, or establish some foundation, or whatever. But they will never be able to get as much contentment and relaxation as the SLI when he's working on his garden. The LIE will die without having ever lived. Whenever you meet a LIE, no matter what his status in life, remember this: he has never arrived.