Quote Originally Posted by Soupman View Post
Somewhat yeah - ILI Creative subtype, I have alpha values but my temperament is pretty much IP/Receptive Adaptive with distortions from my subtype - I (novelty) & E (excitement) seeking.
I figured you would identify with the creative subtype...ILIs favor identification with this subtype over the other subtype ime.

I pretty sure you see it differently because you have a case-state, a precise scenario you've observed were people you classify as ILIs were "precise", offering information you perceive to be relevant/value; whilst comparably LIIs you typed seemed to offer irrelevant conjectures.

You are not so much a fan of the "wall of text" eh?
I see your take on "precise" as a more idiosyncratic view on the word. Eccentric or creative might be another way to put it. What you're saying about it may be true at a deeper level, but just for the sake of distinguishing between the types, I don't need to deconstruct it that far. And fwiw I think that conditional facts can still be described with precision in spite of the fact's conditional nature. It may not be precise in describing deeper reality but again, I don't need to go that deep with it to practically distinguish between the types. I'm not a big fan of text walls. I mean, windbags are usually full of shit. I generally mind it less from ILI than LII and am more prone to brush over "walls of text" from those I type LIIs than those I type ILIs.

Bertrand is a case in point. A lot of what he says is just pure bullshit, even though he probably doesn't know he's full of shit. Nobody can have that many universal statements in wall-of-text form to make about types from one post to another unless they have either studied socionics for a hundred years or were perpetually full of shit.