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Thread: Can somebody help me digest this socionics test result?

  1. #1

    Default Can somebody help me digest this socionics test result?

    It is interesting enough to me to learn about it on my own, but I just started. The MBTI test I get the jist of, but not these symbol-driven tests.

    My results are here.

    Can anyone get a sense of what my results mean and if possible, how it correlates with my INTJ results?

    I made an image out of the results and did it to fit horizontally (you may have to wait a second for it to load from my website). And the link is at the bottom

  2. #2
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    That is alot of sensing ... I gather IXTp and if not that an INTj with one hell of an agenda ...

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by rmcnew
    That is alot of sensing ... I gather IXTp and if not that an INTj with one hell of an agenda ...

    Thanks. I admit this test was much longer than other variations of the MBTI tests. They always come out INTJ (i took it in different moods too, angry or happy)

    My agenda, my agenda. Oh yeah. Hrmm.. Would is surprise you that I am obsessed with the way people think and why they think that way?

  4. #4
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    Well, hidden agenda ... as in the 6th function.

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by rmcnew
    Well, hidden agenda ... as in the 6th function.
    I'm not sure what the 6th function is. But it reminds me of the movie "The fifth element"

    Anyway, I also posted this on so I guess you don't need to respond there too. Thanks for doing it though.

  6. #6

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    I looked at the functions and it said ESTp.. lol, well so much for that method. I'm thinking ISTj, but its probably INTp.

    safe letters: IxTx.

    Your wife probably is your dual.


    PS: I think McNew might be able to give you some decider questions, to get your type more clearly.

  7. #7


    Functionally, you are an ESTp. By attribute you are an INTj. Your actual type? I'm betting on ISTj.

    You're definately a judging type. Firstly, you test as judging by attribute. Secondly, look at how close your intuition and sensing results are. This is a clear indication of judging. Sergei Ganin wrote an article about this recently.

    This test indicates that extraverted sensing is your strongest function. If you were an INTj, this would not have happened. Extraverted sensing is the weakest function of an INTj.

    So far we have XSXj. What are the other two letters? By attribute you are described as introverted and thinking. I would venture to say that this is correct and that ISTj is your type. It is very similar to ESTp functionally.

    Also, if I understand McNew's primary modes theory correctly, your test results (under the Modes section) are indicative of an ISTj.

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by Anonymous
    Functionally, you are an ESTp. By attribute you are an INTj. Your actual type? I'm betting on ISTj.

    You're definately a judging type. Firstly, you test as judging by attribute. Secondly, look at how close your intuition and sensing results are. This is a clear indication of judging. Sergei Ganin wrote an article about this recently.

    This test indicates that extraverted sensing is your strongest function. If you were an INTj, this would not have happened. Extraverted sensing is the weakest function of an INTj.

    So far we have XSXj. What are the other two letters? By attribute you are described as introverted and thinking. I would venture to say that this is correct and that ISTj is your type. It is very similar to ESTp functionally.

    Also, if I understand McNew's primary modes theory correctly, your test results (under the Modes section) are indicative of an ISTj.
    First, thank you for your response. And my response is not meant to be stubborn or meant to indicate I know better. I certainly don't. I only seek to feel the truth of things from various perspectives. I'll start with some descriptions of the types (versus my test results, which to me is intriguing)

    These descriptions accurately describe me (completely, to a T), despite my test results (for what its worth)


    I am both equally.

    There are two things wrong with the SE description despite my test results.
    A. " Extraverted Sensing is operating when we freely follow exciting physical impulses or instincts as they come up and enjoy the thrill of action in the present moment."

    I am a very tactile person and enjoy movement, sound and touch. However I seek these things I do not latch on and follow these impulese as they come up, and certainly am always worried about the future, not the present moment (when active). Part of my sensory sensitivity is due to the fact that I have SID (Sensory Integration Disorder) which, effectively means I have a very difficult time filtering incoming impulses of all types (try walking into a wal mart. Often I have to walk along the aisles as if they had handrails). So I am able to identify and latch onto sensory impulses that please me. Silk things, massage, warm water. But if say, I were on a roller coaster, I would be running scenarios through my head about what it would be like to die while riding one. What would it feel like to be flung from it? How was in constructed? Are old roller coasters rideable? These types of activities make me go mental and i don't enjoy them as much.

    B. "A oneness with the physical world and a total absorption may exist as we move, touch, and sense what is around us.. The process involves instantly reading cues to see how far we can go in a situation and still get the impact we want or respond to the situation with presence."

    I am extremely detached. The only oneness I get is mental through thought. I can feel a universal tie that "binds" us, but its not physical, rather mental. Physically, I am clueless and have no sense of boundary or prioperception. This is part of my (SID) problem. I am very clumsy because I don't understand my body in space. Its a sixth sense we have and for me, it is compromised. As far as reading cues goes - I get into trouble for not knowing the boundaries.


    My only conclusion is that I falsely represented my choices while taking that test (despite the fact that I tried not to). Although even I dont believe that because I am so skewed towards S that I'd have to have had an agenda to be S and i dont even know what that would entail. The test was honest.

    So, I dont quite understand. For me, my world is Te and Ti. But I think there is another layer of complexity here thats confusing the results.

    Say, for instance that all these tests are taken my people not on any medication. Say this is a "normal" person for purposes of argument.

    What I am not sure about is how my results change whether I am on meds or not.

    I take Adderall for ADD, and it underscores my personality. But I take it usually as needed. It has a short half-life. When I took the above test it was very late at night and I did not take the day's second dose. I could assume that it was pretty much out of my system.

    I should try to take the test again while on the medication. That is the real me potential. Me off meds is a confusing sensory soup where little gets accomplished. That does not reflect my real potential. I think this has skewed the results.

    But I am open to any other interpretations or comments... I only seek the truth (or something damn close)

  9. #9


    ^ and that was me again. This bulletin board is very weird on my computer. For some reason it refuses to keep me logged in, despite that I am already logged in and checked that little checkbox that says "keep me logged in"..

    Whatever. Its me.

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