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Thread: Male IEEs-ENFps vs. Female ENFps

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  1. #21
    meatburger's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jewels View Post
    For some reason I've only met one female ENFP though. What stuck out about her was that she always seemed somewhat confused and/or lost and she laughed constantly.
    #1 That actually sounds similar to an enfp girl i know. I think the laughter is from nervousness. I have been feeling sorry for her lately. She seems drained in a similar way i do when things aren't working out. Shes blonde and people assume shes pretty stupid. Unfortunately she doesn't always do herself any favours such as asking what a grenade and a crane is while we were playing pictionary. I overheard her esfp friend telling an entj guy how ditsy she was and she was close enough to hear. Pretty huge polr slap. Shes really nice and has very good social skills. My estj friend thinks shes not dumb at all.

    #2 My friends sister. She is always very happy and go lucky and has a ISTP chef boyfriend(who is cool and persued her for a year but is a bit of a bogan). Ive known this girl for years and i must say i have never ever met someone with as lame/booring stories as her. She always talks about her family in her stories. She loves to talk but she doesn't realise that no one else is interested at all.

    #3 ENFP girl i used to work with. Crazy, zany funny girl. She was basically awesome, everyone liked her. she used to make origami animals and give them to people. She played netball, was cute looking. Always making something or doing something interesting on her desk. My desk was 100% empty hers was chock a block full of stuff.Just had a baby and i heard she suffered from a bit of post-natal depression. Shes in good hands though as she has an ISTp boyfriend. She used to talk a bit child like occasionaly to be cute, which it was. She hid her polr well.

    #4 ENFp guy (I think not 100%). Hes a legend, tall good looking and always so calm. He talked in a bit of a monotone voice though but i was always impressed how relaxed he seemed. In fact could have been INFp im not sure.

    #5 ENFp girl. Friend of my friends house mate in melbourne. Hippy like and calm. Very sexy. Didn't meet her many times but i found us grinning at each other like we knew some secret. She basically fucked with the ISTp housemates mind by moving in with her boyfriend into his appartment. ISTp was in love with her. It turned out he had been collecting her hair and taking pictures of her when she was sleeping. (long story)

    #6 ENFp is me! I dunno. Lifes been easy with material things and not without its blows for me. I seem to change moods on a dime. Im pretty skeptical and not as innocent as some ive met. I barely ever get angry but sometimes find it hard to hide my melancoly thoughts. I think just like tiny though i probablly come across as calm and a joker.

    So as you can see very different people but all fit the ENFp general mode. hmm i fear i might have fallen into the booring trap myself with this post lol.
    Last edited by meatburger; 02-01-2008 at 06:36 AM.
    ENFp (Unsure of Subtype)

    "And the day came when the risk it took to remain closed in a bud became more painful than the risk it took to blossom." - Anaïs Nin

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