if i chose boyfriends based on looks alone, he'd win out!
Two birds in the bush [he often chooses this option instead of one in his hand].
sort of this guy's motto. i've made it a point now everytime he contacts me all (not sure how else to describe this) emotively to ask "are you dating someone?" comes off (to me) like he wants something very serious when he doesn't, really. i get mad at him for sending me these letters that are very romantic and serious and emotional because it's sort of what he does when he's lonely (doesn't matter if he's dating someone.) then the next time we talk he's all nervous and apologetic and self-debasing. come on i don't want to see him like that either.
i guess we've known eachother for 8 years now although there's always this weird mistrust that pops up between us.
(not entp bashing here! he just has no idea how i-want-to-be-serious he sounds sometimes. he's sort of
too passionate for me sometimes? very hard to explain.)
so usually i just make him a really great mixed cd and it's all good. (;