Quote Originally Posted by labcoat
I don't quite agree with the spirit that this thread is written in. We should be encouraging people to develop their HA instead of ridiculing people who make the attempt. If everyone has an HA anyway, why not be proud of our own?

Ti HA seems to me to be more about making "final judgments" when very little preliminary thinking has been done.

An ISFp that I know exhibits this kind of behavior a lot. One instance that I can call to mind was him reactively saying that the question "can animals feel pain?" was useless to ask in philosophy.

In itself this would be healthy Ti behavior... A type that is actually strong in Ti receives this kind of input all the time. What makes accepting Ti types different, is that besides getting this particular idea about the question, they'd be able to see a great variëty of alternative ideas as well, thus relativating the statement, for example by noticing the ethical implications of the question, the societal value of solving the problem, how it is possible to form inductive ideas on the topic even when deduction fails, etc.
I think it is a good thread. It made me think that maybe the HA isn't as straightforward as I had previous thought, and that it has a shadow dimension too.