Quote Originally Posted by redbaron
Quote Originally Posted by Bionicgoat
Quote Originally Posted by Sunshine Lively
Quote Originally Posted by redbaron
Quote Originally Posted by Joy
And that is one of the reasons why we are not compatible.
exactly. BG, you sound just like my SEI friend. Although he hasn't even said it in that many words (and would never) but I know that's what he's thinking. It's so obvious. And that's how he treats his wife too. I suppose she's okay with it (INFj)? Ugh, would drive me crazy. In fact, when I ask his opinion on stuff, if he has a negative opinion, he doesn't even bother to reply (email) but ignores the question! As if I'm that fragile. Give me a break. I wouldn't ask for his opinion if I was only prepared for a positive response. How on earth can we be real friends if he refuses to be honest?
as if!! lol i love that expression.

infp man did this too. then i just said c'mon man, it's me. just tell me i'm not gonna get that upset. if i do get upset then say, "wtf why are you getting upset? it's no big deal." if it is a big deal then we'll deal with it. i'm not gonna run around chasing you with a frying pan or anything like that. *shrugs* he's getting better.
honestly... after reading Blaz... I mean Sunshine Livelys :wink: response that sounds like something I'd totally enjoy hearing. Like it would be one of those killr warm fuzzy moments to hear. I think in a way that's almost what i'm fishing for by being indirect.... the go-ahead that it's ok to be direct (but it needs to be done in a way like she described, somehow that makes it silly and takes the pressure off) there just might be something to this socionics stuff

although I'd still be careful about telling her about her sister
Yeah, I liked her response too. I can see how that would take the pressure off and lighten things up.
thanks guys.... nice to hear that sometimes i say things that sound OK....lol