slap on the title "Discourse on Wussiness in the INFJ" and publish that.

Quote Originally Posted by CuriousSoul
(Male) INFJs may feel they "need to do Fe"in order to fit in, thus occasionally creating a sort of "OK, now it is party so let us try to be jolly" impression.
In which they inexorably fail.

Quote Originally Posted by CuriousSoul
"Kicking male INFJs asses" is singularly unlikely to lead to an increase in their self-confidence and improvement in their manliness.
Yeah I guess I just try to avoid talking to them.

Quote Originally Posted by CuriousSoul
Generally when talking to male INFJs male INTJs should try to demonstrate their strengths. Logic is appreciated, attemps at emotions may create a somewhat phony impression. Socionics could well interest many a male INFJ...
Are you suggesting that I actually try to change outcomes?