I have been bugging some of you with my type, but I have recently learned that I am affecting some of you as a different type than I had not recently put much thought to-- the INTp.
Mystic Sonic and Sycophant have said I strike them as an INTp.
When some people first meet me I can seem like an ENTp or an INTp because I tend to be very quiet, or to make whimsical or sarcastic comments, most of the time confusing other people unless they are also strongly N. The quietness seems INTp, the playful or joking nature of my comments seem ENTp. Apparently they are always cryptic though, which indicates introversion (relating outer world to self for a seemingly subjective output, or else just making all logical steps internally before the big reveal externally). My longish posts are the result of the neurosis that developed from people telling me my words are cryptic and of me wanting to best present my statement.
Personally I relate most to INTj. The only things that don't match perfectly about this type as it is written, are that I am not sure if my health is a big issue to me in the way that I think is meant in these descriptions, and also because I am not outwardly J.
Reasons for considering INTp: outwardly I seem to match those descriptions given for female INTps, I dislike large displays of emotion that are "unfounded" (im confused as to whether this is Fe), I believe i am drawn to risk, though this might be Ne's willingness to play with the outside world, I am appreciative of aesthetics, I am seeking love (which may not be related to type ).
Im sorry but i guess i cannot grasp the difference between Ni and Ne and Fi and Fe etc well enough to distinguish my type for myself. I've posted elsewhere that if I were clear on the difference between the INTp's need for wholeness of concept and INTj's need for logical consistency, I could be way more sure of my type.