This whole master-slave type thing definitely interests me, I remember reading a machine translated russian article about it and wishing it was in proper english... but I was trying to figure out how exactly to figure it all out and I couldn't do it, I figured that I should start with myself but I honestly have no idea what my "slave" type would be. Is there any way to find out? How did any of you figure out yours?

Furthermore I can't help but see this Supersocion theory as an elaboration of sub-type theory... so in basic socionics there's 16 types, but as you learn more and type more people you notice more patterns and suddenly each type has a subtype so 32 types... then you learn more and notice more patterns... Anyways I want to know: is your "slave" type in any way related to your subtype? i.e. I'm INFp-Ni, does the fact that I'm an Ni-subtype mean that I'm more likely to have a certain "slave" type than an INFp-Fe would have? There's 16 'slave' types so do 8 of them merely build upon a certain subtype and the other 8 upon another? I might be way off base here, tell me if I am, it's just that when I was trying to find more info on subtypes I kept coming across Russian articles where the master-slave type thing was mentioned so figured they might be related