Alpha Quadra is an awesome Quadra to be in. We've got a leader (ENTP), a strategist/analyst (INTJ), an artist (ISFP), and a good old friendly chum (ESFJ). However, it seems that our chum seems to het left out alot; being an ENTP, I have very little intellectual regard for ESFJs, and view them (in general) as the "average Joes" of the world. All other three Alpha Quadra types have a little bit of a unique, mysterious streak: the INTJ's highly evolved, intuition driven brain and logic-oriented thought process, the ISFP's drive for creative inspiration, and the ENTP's characteristic mental quickness that overshadows the internal need for acceptance. Where does the ESFJ contribute? Rooting us to the ground when we're trying to fly?

Do the ESFJs here (if there are any) feel a bit "left out" when set in the middle of these three creative giants? I mean, an ISFP is still an S, but is probably the closest thing to an intuitive type that the S types have, whereas the ESFJ is one of the types most distant from N-type thought.

Any thoughts? Anyone else ever thought about this?